Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Dreams and Reflections...

I've been having some messed up dreams lately...well not really messed up, just things I wouldn't expect from a dream, something that I didn't want to think about, something..who knows....

it's funny, but yesterday I had the greatest dream ever, and yet at the same time is was a terrible joke of a nightmare....I think it's possible, I would have doubted too, but I lived through it....I mean nothing bad happened in the dream, but it was a dream, and I actually realized it in the dream, and I could feel all emotion sink out of me..... let me explain the dream for ya...though I probably shouldn't.....

all I can basically remember is very little detail, but it lasted long enough for me to remember something....the characters, brooke and myself (yeah I know)......we were talking and laying in a bed, like maybe we just woke up or something, the room was bright...and she was smiling and laughing, and I felt soo happy, I don't know how dreams do that, but it felt so real...and as the dream went on, it seemed like nothing of this fallout happened..then I started thinking maybe it was just a flashback from the summer, before something went was by then I knew it was just a dream....nothing more, and probably just a haunting reflection of the past. At that point I felt the sadness drop on top of me, I was hit by the train of reality...

I think I woke up right after that...feeling totally disappointed...I don't know what the dream means, remember the good times? or is it just my subconscious playing a sick joke on me..well whatever it could be, it still was the best and worst dream I've ever had.....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

I’m Marisol, dream specialist, I believe that dream was projecting a long desire from your subconscious. Obviously, you Jason 2003, wish you were with her. Just that.
Ps. Also nucking futs! I loveeee that term!