Tuesday, February 01, 2005

It Just Doesn't Stop..
..and things couldn't rock harder

It's out of this world:
So then it's Saturday morning..and what a morning it was....

Spaulding came home, along bringing with him the rest of the Blue's Clues crew to look for the dog and clock..the departures were cute....I was standing on the porch watching everyone leaving, hoping Blue would look back, and when she did we both simultaneously blew each other a kiss...I was stunned..she stole my idea, maybe we were on the same wavelength....there was no hesitation on either part...she turned, as I saw the turn, I set up for it and BAM, it happened....

after they were truly gone from our lives, we had a quick bout of a game called "sliding on the sidewalk"..yeah the sidewalks were covered with icy rain so it made walking hard, but sliding oh so fun...

once back inside we had the morning discussion of just what happened...and it was so great to get everyone's stories out, their views, their perspectives on things.....and yeah..Neil is completely ga-ga for Amy, she's the girl of his dreams...and from what I've heard, and continue to hear, it's true....

going to sleep was hard that morning, but it happened...for me it was first in the orange chair as I waited for an e-bay item to expire...and then I made my way to the tent..which only made sleeping harder yet again..

then I was up at 1..ridiculous....made it to work at 4...so happy, yet so unfulfilled....someone actually thought I was upset or having a bad day from the look on my face....no, just the total agony of being in love....

so I worked, and got off second cut, thank Brittany again, and then it was home to set up for a party I did not want anymore...I had no reason to actually throw this party, this huge of a party...there was no reason for me to be doing this...I mean, nothing could compare to what happened just hours earlier, though for some reason it seemed like forever ago..it was stupid, or laaaaame as I might say...

got home, did some final minute preparations...which included me turning the lights on/off and started playing music....

people starting coming over...and then the kegs got here..all four of them....it was crazy insane....

Neil came over, but he quickly resided to the tent, wherein he passed out from overexertion and lack of sleep for the entire rest of the party....

I on the other hand....I started the night with four shots of Captain Morgan, to kill my taste buds so I could drink the bear...Honey Brown was my choice of poison...

Let's just say I had a good time...no matter how much I knew I was drunk, my cup I just filled up continually...let's just say there was one point in the night where there was a line for the bathroom, so I went outside, only to be surrounded by more people...so what did I do...oh, I went next door, walked into their house, used their bathroom, and then left...all the while still holding my light up mug full of beer and barefoot through the snow....ohhh good times.....

the last thing I remember was someone using my phone after my plethora of drunk dials shortly before 5...I was in the tub yes....(again zach)...an people were still here...when I woke up before 7 freezing my balls off I made my way to the tent with Neil and people were gone...I woke up only an hour and a half later to go to work...

the place was trashed..I left a note for Spaulding, but he actually went ahead and cleaned the house up, mopping the floors and all, it was HUGE! thanks again man...

Everybody had a great time at the party, so many people...honestly, more than 70, easy....we are talking every room of the house filled to the brim...the living room, dancing room, kitchen, and basement..with people overflowing onto the stair cases and outside smoking....it was fucking intense....

and the best part, people want to do it again..

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"no, just the total agony of being in love...." aww, funny thing I know you don't end up together but I'm rooting for you guys. this is nonsense lol

"the last thing I remember " oh-oh wambulance, we got a fallen one hehe, cool times for JA 05