Saturday, February 19, 2005

Not as Angry as it Sounds...
Everyone is Worthless....

you know what sucks...when you just don't care for a thing...

at first one might ponder the great possibilities of not giving a good fuck about something..take the example of anything bad in your life..not caring about the bad could be somewhat good..not getting stressed out over something that you can't fix is a good thing...but in reality, not caring is not particularly a good thing at all...

what about the things you may be able to correct, if you don't care, you're not going to take the effort to fix them; maybe past experiences where you tried to fix something proved futile, so what's the point now, now that you don't care...

but if you don't care about anything, what's the point? what's the point to anything, better yet, your existence - maybe not going aa far as to say at all, but here...what's your point here, you're doing nothing but hurting yourself....

I really don't give a good fuck right now about anyone, or anything in particular - certain fucks are trying to strip away one of the few things I may have actually cared about, and insignificantly enough, by stripping me of that they are also stripping away any sort of "friendship" that may have been...way to go, take away what I care about only to make me loose it and loose what we had, you're fucking brilliant...just how many birds are you planning to kill with that one stone? can we say magic bullet theory in real life...

other people that particularly piss me off, weak people. why is it that any time I actually have people on my side to defend something, they crumble worse than a cookie - does Pity Party ring a bell. I still do not forgive those soulless bastards for splitting like they did, obviously not true to anything but being traitors...I really fucking hate people....

how can you say you have beliefs of any kind if you are able to abandon them at the sign of a fight...if the Jews weren't so stupid and Jewish I would commend them for sticking to their faith after many years of persecution..because honestly, what's belief without having faith even under fire?

so for those of you who have fled, for those of you who have turned your backs, for those of you who try to kill the very essence of me, fuck you. I know that really doesn't sound like much, verbalization would be much more effective...honestly, I could care less about you right now. I don't want to hear anything from any of you..better yet, I don't even want to see you..that would make me happy...anything you do try to say to me, I'm gonna tell you to cram it up your fucking ass with your middle finger....I don't care what it is you have to say, you can say, "Jason I love you" "Jason you rock" "Jason I'm sorry", I don't want to hear's too late for any sort of redemption, you've already killed me

I opened up the fridge when I got home, everything was re-arranged, mainly my milk was on one side and my thirst rockers was on the other...and if anyone who's being going into the fridge could tell, there has been an unspoken ordinance where people have their own 'rows', which helps to alleviate any questions of "who's it this"

at that very moment I said to myself aloud, "what's the point..what's this for...what if I just left....picked up and left..I could do's more than possible...well than do this...just got to make some calls..."

a completely unrational absurd idea went in my head, processed itself and tried to make a plan of action...even at times I wonder about myself...

I didn't gather any trash today, didn't take it out...neither did anyone else..I remembered, it was just cold when I got home last night...and I needed to shower after I woke up today...whatever, I don't least I remembered and know the days of trash and recycling collection....

so in the end...I don't care to talk, to anyone..this blog will be, and forever be, my outlet...I hate people....agian I've been let down....and I really don't think they'll ever understand just what happened this past week because they are greedy ignorant dirty people...I bid thee good day.


1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"you know what sucks...when you just don't care for a thing..." aww, sometimes I think caring too much sucks... somedays I'm done with that but the next the day I got back to my roots and continue, jesus, I'm gonna die that way I think I need someone to tell he hey, stop it, and care about me. I've been having interesting resolutions on this time you've been mia

"you've already killed me" omg have I been talking all this time with Jason's ghost?!

recycling collection... here are mondays