Sunday, February 13, 2005

Like All Good Things...
the end...

So it's Sunday, the end of the week, and a start of another....and with it goes my fun/mood/whatever....

From where I left off to now has been a good time, Friday night went to see I Heart Huckabess again, afterwards went to the Waffle House, then came back here...and for whatever reason, I was in extreme hyper talkative mood...I could have ran miles had I had the patience..I just wanted to do random things...pace back and forth and tell my life story, as I often do in these situations...I probably would have ended up cleaning if not for Michelle randomly stopping in as Neil and Amy departed...

So I started the 3am evening with me rambling about god only knows what, which resulted in a late night run to a friend's house to pick up a PS2 game, Katamari?'s the game where you have a ball and have to collect little random items thus making your ball bigger which constituently allows for you to pick up bigger items...and once you make a certain size ball, it gets tossed up into the air to make a star..crazy fucking Japanese game....

anecdote of that story, on the way back to my place, we were on ballantine, just crossing over to Atwater and for some luck of chance we both turned and looked out the window on the right side...only to notice these two huge animals moving in the opposite direction...we both freak out and ask each other what the hell where they...I tell her to park the car so we can get out and find out..we get out and start running down the alley towards where we had seen them...she trailed because she was looking for her camera, I didn't want to loose track of the beasts so I went I ran in their direction I could only see one, the other must have gone ahead...and as soon as the animal heard/saw me running it immediately took off as well.....THEN, then for some reason it stopped and turned soon as I saw this action, and realized the size I came to a complete and sudden took off again and so I went back in pursuit..once he disappeared I stopped at the last point I saw it and waited for michelle to catch up...when she arrived we both walked around for a little bit, seeing nothing, and then went back to the car....

but honeslty, this animal was nothing like I had seen before..I was sized..but it didn't move like a dog/cat/ was furry had a funny hop walk, like a teeter tooter type of thing....and yeah, was huge...

anyways back at the house we played this video game and I rambled more about things til the wee hours of the was 10 when michelle left and I laid back down, with only one thing on my agenda, write an email to get something back, that took over all my other plans for the day..if I didn't do that one thing, I did nothing....

I woke up at 2, which is only four hours of sleep...after staying up for 24 hours on only three hours of sleep the prior day..surprisngly I didn't feel that drained...

I tried to make a compilation CD, one to win the acceptance of Zeppelin, the Stones, and Dylan in the heart where I already reside...but I found myself making lame compilations, nothing to rock anyone's face off, except for mine and already fans of the music..stupid slow songs..whatever...

then I went to the olive garden with Heather, she owed me dinner, that was a good time, because hey, who doesn't enjoy a completely free meal, especially when you buy alcoholic drinks...

heather, not the blue heather, is an alright girl...she's too hooked up on this guy who doesn't give her the time of day..I mean she is cute..but socially, I don't think we roll yeah, I got my meal....I had to point out to every one at the OG that this heather wasn't the right heather who was supposed to be with me for the stuff

made it back home nearing 11, just in time for the un-birthday know, I drank a lot, but didn't get drunk, I remember a slight buzz, two times, at the og and at home, but nothing ever amounted to it..whatever...

played DDR, ate cake, looked fucking sexy, yeah, I rock...that was pretty much it...nobody ended up sleeping with me that night..and I desperately needed a shower..which never happened because the sweat went away by the time I wanted to go..

so here I am Sunday...woke up an hour ago....gots to goes to work in an hour...this should be fun..yeah right....

oh yeah, I accomplished nothing this entire weekend..which mainly means I never wrote that damned email...

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