Thursday, February 03, 2005

..for weather and news...

Yeah, how's that for a headline?!?!

alright, Wednesday night of course was yet another Wednesday Night Dance Party (WNDP for short if you didn't catch on already...) I picked up a shift for the Chipper, well not THE chipper, but a new busser named chip..he told me it was til DBD, but that was a lie..I had to biggie really, it's just that I had the mindset to get out a little earlier..whatever, I coped...

so as I get home, nearing 11, I come home to a house full of people, yay! really there is no sarcasm there..I was happy to see that people showed up and that they were there already..the lights got flipped over, as they should at 11, but there was a slight argument about that...people trying to play scrabble on the dance floor...but good people know when to back down from a strong-headed Jason..hey, I accommodated, I gave them my candles and skyy light....

but things got crazy quickly...for whatever reason Neil decided that it should be an underwear party...and so we did just that..people complied and we all got into our undies, well most of us did...since I had yet to change from the OG I sported the famous Tom cruise look just as I did at Halloween..

and then things got crazier...let's just say it was one of the dirtiest WNDP's to date....

do I approve...well, I was in typical 'WNDP mood', meaning I could care less what was going on, people in general piss me off, so fuck 'em....but with the escalated immoral activity I quickly closed my doors to this Wednesday night and made my way to the basement where I would remain the rest of the night...

that will be a first, first time I've actually took myself away from the party NOT to return..there have been other times I've hid downstairs for a bit, but I generally like to float around, make sure everything is ok, quiet enough for the neighbors, and clean....but this time..I came up at the very end to say goodbye to everyone...

I really fucking hate people, and what was going on at that party I just couldn't handle...let's just say it won't happen again otherwise I'm throwing down my foot to end all WNDP's...there's just certain lines you don't want me to venture towards...last Wednesday impeded on my life and my values...for that all will pay

yeah, so that's that....and things are..not...well, I'll explain in a second...

it was a quick night...ending 2:02..yeah, sped things up, even though it didn't seem that early..whatever...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"with the escalated immoral activity " oh, boy

"last Wednesday impeded on my life and my values...for that all will pay " oh wow, what the heck was going on there mmm