Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Promise Keepers..
..and those who know what to say...

So the following is a comment made to me by a very lovely little girl whom I adore to no end...

"Jason, I promise you, promise, that as soon as my boyfriend and I break up, I
will be down there, in your tent, that very weekend, no kidding around..."

wow....that's all I can really say...and if that doesn't want me to root for the breakup I don't know what does...

but that's not my style, that's not how I roll...I'm not one of those types of people who makes it their objective to break up a relationship..I'm not a homewrecker, I don't want to be any more involved with what's happening than I have to be...I just want the girl, I'll have her once you're done with her, I'll wait quietly on the side and not influence any deacon here whatsoever...I don't need any more people on my list of people who actively hate me for no reason...

but if you take a look at my past record, you will see that that very stance I'm talking about above is just what I do...there have been several instances where there has been some girl I didn't know, just met, who I liked, and she ultimately liked me... and then found out there was a boyfriend in the mix....and by the time I find out about this boyfriend, the friendship has already set sail (HA, it's a pun on friendSHIP) it's too late to turn back and totally ignore this girl, we're midstream, nothing I can I do what I can and take the flirting-self out of myself and just be myself..which is still damn near irressitable since we're talking about myself..I'm so fucking charming no matter what element you take away. And this is always the point in the girl and her boyfriend's relationship where things have started to get rocky for 'the last time'.

but what do I do...I do the opposite of any other person in this situation, which would be go to all costs to make them break up and go in for the rebound kill..basically setting yourself up with the offense you helped put up....what I do is on the other extreme...I make them get back together, basically....I voice my opinion, telling the lady I'm not going to be the cause of matter how much we may want each other, don't change horses mid-race just because you think you're tired of one....and you know what...they always get back together and their relationships are better than before..and they stay like that.

now for me..well, on my side it's good and's bad obviously because I lost some really cool girl that had a potential to be datable, to being just reduced to friends, which isn't bad, but it's bad..but the good is that I was able to mend a relationship, making them see that they can work out things, don't be rash, don't be stupid, don't be like other girls I know...and the other benefit, nobody hates me in the end..well maybe slightly the boyfriend, all guys hate any other guys that are friends with, or talk to, their girls...

so the odds of this girl being in my tent anytime soon...I don't wan to say slim because I'd hate to jinx myself since I'm always right, but...we'll see....the odds of me moving in with her are probably greater....but then again, if she were to come down here for a weekend with me, then anything is possible, and I'd have to rethink anything that wasn't rational before....

so yeah, I'll be counting the days and just continue on with my life as if that promise was never uttered, just to keep myself sane...women...til then...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"I'm not one of those types of people who makes it their objective to break up a relationship" aww

"I don't need any more people on my list of people who actively hate me for no reason... " just think that some people don't know you that well. It only matters the opinion of those you know you, like really know you.

(HA, it's a pun on friendSHIP) hahaha so dorky

"I make them get back together, basically..." oh, well at least you don't do to others what you don't want them do to you. Idk if I explained myself. But it's classic Casablanca. Is this why you talked to me about it? oh lord