Thursday, January 06, 2005

What a Waste....
..Ewe array

Alright, so today's a new day...

Fuck you Neil, yeah, that's right I said it...that little bastard...I can't wait til I'm on speaking terms with him so I can call him out on his own excuse...whatsoever....

so on a better note, this is actually really badass, but I've got Winamp open, it's playing my music and whatnot, and if anyone who knows me knows I keep it on random play (less I want to hear an artist straight through..I get into those moods..but for the most part it is me...) so random play yes....well it made it through a couple techno songs, then it got to the killers...and it has been on them for several songs's not going in any order, but just playing The killers...and let me tell's killer....

and off of that note, I had a good day overall I'd say...I went to the VFW and played bingo for the first time in my was amazing....I couldn't believe understand the connection between "bingo" and "social low-lives"....I think it is just a cover, getting all the white trash and other homeless joes together in one room at one time...I guess an equivalent concept would be playing poker at an AA was really weird....

but I fucking loved it...I swear I have to be the oldest young person in the world...I sat across from this guy who I called my older counterpart. and everybody there was smoking, the room was as foggy as 41 in St John on any given night..of course as soon as I left I reeked of smoke, surprisingly I could smell it after coming out of it...and in a way it made me want RtC everso badly....funny thing with that is...they have this concession stand, and so I ordered coffee because there were free re-fills, I wanted a pop, but you can't pass that as the numbers are being called, and I am dabbing all 10 of my cards blue I hear from my side a very familiar sound...the sound of something being poured...I looked and my cup was was amazing...this is the New RtC....

so I'm going to look more into it...I know the VFW has them on Thursdays and Saturdays and the American Legion has them on Tuesdays and yeah, we'll be having some fun and blowing lots of money in no time...

got some calls from people thinking I was in the "area", that was cute..made some calls..that was fun...tried to do pushups to prove a point...yeah, that sucked yet was fun...I need to do laundry before work tomorrow, along with other things...I feel as if I am forgetting something, or need to do something....grrrr I hate that feeling....

so the weekend is here, again...classes start Monday, people go back to their respective places of living...I think having everyone back will be nice...yeah.....

well whatever...I'm off, maybe I'll think of it or just do something random and forget...

..and yeah, I'm not even going to acknowledge that it is neil's birthday..bastard...

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