Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sweet 16...
..and it's not even March...

So the Dance Party of Wednesday Night turned 16 yesterday..and what a hit it was!

It was unexpected really..I mean the turn out last week was phenomenal...but what was left for this week? were we supposed to outdo ourselves and throw a more grandiose party..or were we supposed to let it fall to ruins all because of a little "setback"....

well it may not have been as BIG as last week, but it was still huge by any of our standards...the amount of people was just right...the temperatures outside were working for us and really prevented any hordes of people from excapading out to the wilderness were only damage could be done...

we had new people still, which fucking rocks my world, and we had more of the same, which makes me happy as well...Chris, the first person to come last week, returned again with all smiles...that's when we knew it was officially 'made'.

Dancing, hookah smoking, drinking, everyone packed into the kitchen, and we have ourselves a night...nothing more is worthwhile than looking forward to Wednesday see just what will happpen...

I like the tradition we have started with the singing of "Happy Birthday" after a short speech is honor of the next and newest Dance Party...

it was the Sweet Sixteen this we had much to celebrate..

time of death: 3:34am ...and people say they are coming next week!!! they asked if we do this all the time...they say we fucking rock....and I was told I am one of the greatest mediators ever...that is my purpose in life, to bringing people

bah dah ba ba bah..I'm lovin' it!

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

hookah smoking, nice hahaha
I tried that with my cousins in Madrid, one was 16 and the other 18 jeez