Thursday, January 27, 2005

It's Just Another Day...
..another moment to turn it all around...

So last night...yeah, last night...

Well, the social gathering was a little bit smaller than we have had in the past two weeks...but don't think this is a sudden trend..things happen and people disappear off the face of the earth, we live on...Come to think of it, Chris was a no call/no show..hmmm...anyways

So smaller, but still a ton of fun..the best was the "Thursday rally" as I called it...a 1am liquor run, it was crazy indeed...that gave us the clue that this party was going to last awhile...

at the beginning things were kinda lethargic..people were all sullen and just lounged out everywhere...but we kicked it up a notch and pulled it off...

until the closing time..I wasn't feeling I decided to get a head start on cleaning the process I found a Pizza Express cup with a dark liquid...upon the rustling of me grabbing it and shaking it up a bit I instantly knew the smell that arose and hit my was fucking Merlot..better yet, it was my fucking Merlot.....pissed I was that "somebody" was drinking my wine, I turned to the bar and noticed the entire bottle was short this is the second week in a row a bottle of Merlot was stolen off of the top of the bar..and we knew perfectly well who it was...

so I went about myself, cleaning..trying to calm down yet just being built up the entire time...then Neil came into the kitchen..he asked something like how's it going, or we need to kick it up a notch..something along those lines and I just said to him straight faced,"I want this to fucking end now!" he was shocked, he came to me and I explained what had happened...and at the crucial moment where I blame Paris and his group of 'friends' he walks in....and in perfect timing my voice raises with an outstretched hand pointing finger dead at Paris...

everybody left the kitchen and started getting their things...and that's when the confrontation happened...I accused, and rightfully so, Paris and his gang of hoodlums of stealing my wine. I had actual proof from Pete that Paris took cups from the opened bottle of Merlot last week..I was going to confront him about this last night, but then this all happened and was the perfect segway into it....

He tried some bullshit excuse saying that I said he was "ok, he was covered" which was completely untrue..AND even if it were true, that statement would only apply to the liquor I was bringing in from the liquor run....when have I ever said to anyone, "oh no it's cool, whatever liquor at the bar is free game"..NEVER, because it's fucking ridiculous..I have my stockpile back there..if somebody wants some...sure, for a fucking fee...unless you're fucking me, you ain't getting free booze...especially from my stash...

so in the argument I cut my hand with a knife and started bleeding all over the place...I ignored Paris and went about being the excellent host I am and said goodbye to everyone who decided it was time to leave....I made my way outside (you can still follow the blood trails) and said goodbye, thank everyone, made them assured THEY are welcomed back no I started to walk in, Paris came out..I wanted to get away from Wednesday and just go to sleep...

he made talks about retribution for the glasses of wine the stole, yet said nothing of the sorts to replace the stolen bottles...and was more or less taken aback by my accusations that he was involved with it....I still ignored him, saying whatever and proceeded upstairs to inform the house mates just what MIGHT happen, and then tended to my wound...

when I returned downstairs he and Neil were gone..I finished cleaning and went to sleep an hour later....

To be honest, I'm not one for confrontation..I'll be the first to strike, I'll lay it all out on the table..but once I say what is on my mind or how I think things are..that's that...I have to leave, if I even hear the slightest bit of an argument...there's no telling what I'll do...I know I'll fucking lash out because I'm so enraged..but that's me...and by me being the bigger person and walking away, that's better for you in the end, no may end up dead by my hands dare you try to uphold your false ties...I get so pissed and everything gets to me....I'm sorry

so I choose other methods....there's the beginnings with talks...that will proceed to notes..and then, well, you don't want to know step three.....had I not been so dizzy already last night and for the moment rational, we may have seen step three...

so what is there left...well Paris and his friend's are banned from 412....even if they do pay up the money they owe for the bottles, it won't do them any good really....if the money gets here quickly, then Paris may be allowed back within a few months....but whatever...everyone suffers their losses..this is yet again another case where somebody has taken advantage of me, thank god it's not that fucking bitch.

and I'm out.

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

" I turned to the bar and noticed the entire bottle was missing.." oh boy, no
I remember once a guy I didn't know but was friend of my friends asked me a slice of my pizza and I was like "uh, no. Marisol doesn't share food" lol

"started bleeding all over the place.." oooh, here it's the Django Jangus lol (I'm hilarious!)