Monday, January 24, 2005

This is What Happens...
...when you twitch at night...

the following is a conversation..well in all reality it was a rant i just unloaded on my friend Dave..this came with no warning, just opened up his im box and went to town...this following a bored look on the internet...

*words have been cleaned up for readability purposes only...

Blue35Tuesday: you know..some people just need to be shot
Blue35Tuesday: i really hate college students
Mexico01: ?
Blue35Tuesday: why am i cursed with this 'trying to live the right way'
Blue35Tuesday: i mean honestly
Blue35Tuesday: i fucking hate parties, and people who get wasted every
weekend are worthless
Blue35Tuesday: THEY need to die
Blue35Tuesday: but sadly they will be the ones running the country in a few
Blue35Tuesday: and i will be taking their orders at a restaurant, or far
worse, McDonald's
Blue35Tuesday: why is it so damned important for me NOT to partake in these
stupid ass rituals
Blue35Tuesday: why can't i just live an immoral life like everyone
Blue35Tuesday: have a good time
Blue35Tuesday: fuck whomever i want
Blue35Tuesday: and not remember a good damn thing the next morning
Blue35Tuesday: because whatever, i've got to go to class
Blue35Tuesday: or maybe i'll just blow it off
Blue35Tuesday: it doesn't matter, mommy and daddy pay for everything so
fuck it
Blue35Tuesday: i don't have to work
Blue35Tuesday: i can just sit here and party on my parent's monies
Blue35Tuesday: it's bullshit
Blue35Tuesday: time of my life my ass
Blue35Tuesday: sorry..this just came to me
Blue35Tuesday: and your box happened to be the first i opened
Mexico01: heh, understandable
Mexico01: the world is set up stupid
Blue35Tuesday: god, i fucking click on a link in some bitches profile..i
get their fotolog
Blue35Tuesday: and all i see are pictures of them wasted
Blue35Tuesday: click their friends fotologs
Blue35Tuesday: same fucking thing
Blue35Tuesday: time and time again
Blue35Tuesday: how fun is it to take pictures while you are wasted?
Blue35Tuesday: is that what you want to remember..all the times you were
fucking drunk
Blue35Tuesday: honestly, take one pic, keep it, and there you go
Blue35Tuesday: sum up your entire fucking college career with that one
fucking picture
Blue35Tuesday: it would be more suitable and compact
Blue35Tuesday: but WHY can't I be doing this?
Blue35Tuesday: WHY do I have to give fuck about things?
Blue35Tuesday: is it because i know what the real world consists of..i know
what is lingering out there after their college lives...i doubt that is the
-four minutes later-
Blue35Tuesday: i see you stole the subtitle thingy..nice
Mexico01: lol, it's inspired what can I say
Blue35Tuesday: i love you

so there you have thoughts exactly...i felt it would only be truly captured correctly if i posted the 'conversation' and not tried to make it an actual post...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"went to town.." J sun going to town lol
"why am i cursed with this 'trying to live the right way' bullshit? " oh boy, it's all about the balance, baby
" why can't i just live an immoral life like everyone else " I don't know, I can't either 2004 you.
"it doesn't matter, mommy and daddy pay for everything so fuck it " oh ducky
I'm Blue35Tuesday and you're Mexico01 now lol
Why did those guys think college is for partying?! Jesus, it's for studying, learning somethings that will help you to get a career. I mean it's ok to party, but like at the end of the semester or mid terms exams. And why skipping classes? It's a lot amount of money.