Saturday, January 29, 2005

Greatest Day Weekend Week of My Life Just Rocks...
...for real ya'll

yeah..yeah, I really don't know what to say...these past several days have been spectacular...I couldn't love and hate my life all at one's fucking brilliant...

I'll do this in parts, to save the lengthy one read, so bare with me..things just keep getting better...

The Windup:
So we had the WNDP (Wednesday Night Dance Party for those who are slow on the uptake...), it was good..a little more thinned out than the past two, so a little down, but that made for a more intimate deal..but then of course we had the Paris Scandal, no fun, but I'm able to drop people off like nothing and move on, so that's what happened, I learned..just adds another cut to make me even more jaded towards people I open myself up to..

then it was time for Thursday, which is just as big of day as Wednesday....some may say that there's no hope for Thursday because it's inbetween the WNDP and the weekend, making it a Tuesday (for those of you fucks who hate Tuesdays...) but no see I worked the morning shift at the OG, which was sucky because I don't make anything for tips, whatever....but I had lunch with the ingenuine Kim, which still delights me..later we went to Bingo, of course...I brought the new-comer Pete and even though we didn't win anything, we had a hell of a time, especially when we were talking game to each other and those within earshot...

After Bingo was time for Theater Thursday, the movie to be viewed that evening was Requiem for a Dream..I fucking love it...even though that's a movie you can only really watch once a year otherwise you're just going to be fucking with your head a little bit too much...we had the group discussion afterwards and all was well...

I suppose no transitions are funny, well to me, that's how it works in my world...the transitions are so blatant and put out in front of you it's not even normal, which makes it for a really weird, unnormal transition, or lacking one altogether...yeah...

Friday came..and yeah..Friday just opened the doors to everything that we've ever dreamt of...

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