Sunday, October 26, 2008

Waste of a Day

no a reference..
but in a way it is...

Sundays..what a waste...the plans to get crazy drunk for the second night in a row fell through..i believe i passed out a little before 2am, without any help or anything..amazed.....of course i fell asleep on the mini couch again, i don't know what my deal is....i mean the sofa is right there...i'm weird i guess.

i believe it was around 9am when i moved over to the larger sofa, for whatever reason, i normally don't move, but whatever, today was different i guess....i finally awoke after 1, to an empty apartment all alone. i'm scheduled to be at work at 4...i have nothing to do today, and i know work is going to be a bust...i take the long way home, casual-lax driving, just taking in the scene...

the cat dishes are back outside, i hate that my land lady feeds the strays...i remember last year she had a filthy box outside in which they would sleep in..and every time when i would get off of work at night and come home, i would start to come up the sidewalk onto the porch and the box would empty out like a clown car...ughhh, cats continued to jump out afraid as i got closer to the door, brushing up along side my legs - the thought of all the diseases they times i just want to put out some sort of poison..and if that didn't work..a BB gun would surely do the's not that i don't love animals, i do...just get those unwanted worthless creatures out of my face...

i make it to work early, that's how bored i am...i have to retell the story from Friday night another five times before my shift even starts...Sunday nights are extremely the end of the night i finish with three tables, nine covers, and 600 in night was a hastle too...not only did i walk out of there at 11 (not as a closer either) having to open the next day at 6am, but we had not hot water tonight...the city was working on the water lines or something, trying to make downtown not smell like shit, but that'll never work, the colts still play here right?

i get home as fast as i could and pop an ambien, a whole's 11 and i need to wake up at five..the ambien will get me get to sleep in an hour or so...i know when i go into work tomorrow i'm gonna walk into all the dishes and silverware that finally went through the dishwasher after the servers left...coool..on top of that, the ex never came to get her stuff today...i'd like to say it's sitting outside right now...

"fuck it...."


Anonymous said...

You're a told me you wouldn't hurt animals when you became a serial NO HURTING THE STRAY CATS!! And hush your mouth about the Colts buddy...I might have to drive up there and kick you in the shin! Have a good day! :)

Jangus said...

stray cats are not animals, they are horrible, filthy things that need to be disposed of....especially when they are in numbers like they are here...I can deal with the two cats in the house...but not 4+ outside running up everytime I open the door...fuck them, fuck crazy cat ladies