Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Miles for Michigan

I know my calculus...
but fuck numbers....

Here's a ratio for you..if the time spent traveling round trip, like flying, driving, more than the total time spent at the destination..the trip is probably not worth granted there are a plethora of variables that can get mixed how cool the destination is, what it is you are actually doing there, who you are seeing, if you get a blow job, things of that nature all make weight, but then i ask you still...did you really need to go the distance..

those were the questions TJ and I repeatedly asked ourselves today....our supposed 3 and a half hour trip to Detroit clocked well over the five hour mark, making things very uncomfortable for the animals in the car.

i hate being a passenger, i hate not having control, i sit there and think in my head all the things i would be doing differently, but i keep my mouth closed, nobody likes a backseat driver, especially one that's in the passengers seat...we were going through downtown Detroit..into rush hour and through a Chicago native i'm all too familiar with these situations..i love driving into Chicago, i just hate the traffic, but i'm used to i just flip a switch, turn off Indiana driving and go into city mode..i'm usually in the batmobile so i have those cool gadgets and such...i pull the seat upright and forward, both hands on the wheel, and i'm ready to attack...nobody gets in front of me, and i'm always making my way into the progressive the city you either play defense or you take it like a bitch...i will not do the other...

don't get me wrong, every once in awhile i'll get into a traffic jam and for some reason i'll just go off..maybe it's 90 out and my A/C is not working, i'm in a hurry, and the person next to me is nagging me...i'll blow a fuse then, but other than that, i know i'm going into a city, soon as i reach the townships limits, i'm golden....that was not the case with the driver today

everything that could have gone wrong almost did..detours, stopped traffic, rain, and minute after minute ticked didn't help that the person we were seeing was not offering us the best set of directions, nor did she warn us about the construction..she just assumed we knew everything...granted it is TJ and I, but still

my favorite part was when i was on the phone with the friend in question and she told us to meet her downtown..just park somewhere, she couldn't explain downtown, but we'll know when we get there, and we can park everywhere....i remember both TJ and I then going off into a playful rant how downtown must be this huge parking lot with people running around with banners creaming at the top of their lungs, "WELCOME TO DOWNTOWN!" was the only lighthearted thing we could say as to not blow up...

we eventually come upon downtown, she could have just said downtown is like a kitschy old fashioned downtown that you may be used to..but it's an adventure, or some crap..we travel through downtown, turn around and park on the side of the street...lucky for us, the meter we parked at still had 30 minutes of time left on it, which was just enough to bring us to 6 o'clock, meaning free..the only thing that went right that day.

the girl finds us, somehow, i mean downtown is just one big parking lot, we could have been anywhere, but she locates us and we begin to i have a thing for local fare, meaning i don't like going to a new place and eating at some chain restaurant..i wanna eat what the locals eat...on the way through downtown the first time i noticed a little cute diner, and now that we were walking i could see it up in the distance...i wanted to eat there...Red Knapps...a Wanna-be Johnny Rockets fo' sho'..

once inside my thoughts were confirmed, it was one of those old fashioned diners, i have time for this. i order an egg salad sandwich (exactly what i got at JR when i worked there), KB got a grilled cheese, and TJ..a chili dog...the best one ever...or not. or waitress was nice, but old enough to be my daughter...but you know, when i'm in company of assholes they'll razz me about my younger taste in woman, KB went so far as to confirm the age of the girl approaching her away from the table in the way to the restroom...KB returns with a look of shock on her face, i know i'm right, this girl couldn't be legal if she tried, we just left it at that...i'll wait a couple years...

ughh, anyways, we finish up there and start walking through downtown, it's dark so it must be eight (LOL),we walk by the martial arts studio, then KB takes us down this pathway into a forest with a creek and..well, it was probably the scariest thing lights, i couldn't see, i thought for sure KB was going to invoke her revenge on to me and have me raped and murdered...why do i cross people and keep them in my phone book...

we all agree this is a crap idea, and decide to go back to her reality TJ and I just want to rest, maybe sleep, but just relax...that car ride was taxing on us enough, we didn't want to walk, and taking 'pretty pictures' was out of the question.

so it was back to KB's where we saw her true colors..she kicked her sick sister out of the downstairs lounge area so we could watch a movie all the while having an argument with the sick sister...apparently there was a conversation between the two about getting food..KB returns 3 hours later with no food..thinking the sister would have said, wow it's been three hours, i'll get my own...whatever, i hid in the bathroom as the yell fest went on...whoops...

we watch some movie that terrifies me about anal rape for the rest of the evening..KB's roommate comes home as the movies finishes up, we have a good time talking and such, but KB wants to call it a's somewhere around 1030 now...TJ and I will both be up for several more hours, easily..for whatever reason we decide to drive back home...

probably not the best fools we leave, and we try to see if I-70 is really torn up and we do not need the detour like all the signs suggest...we tried and failed..circled Detroit for awhile, then we followed the sucked...i was actually tired by 1, but we hadn't even hit the ohio boarder yet, or maybe we had, it just seemed like the night went on forever..

we eventually make it home, i passed out instantaneously..thank god i gave up my shift for tomorrow...

"I'm just going to shut up, because everytime i say something that you don't understand it pisses me off..and that's just not right"

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