Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sleepless Nights...
resulting in sleepless nights...

it's a chain reaction, cause and effect...one sleepless night causes the next to be sleepless for other reasons...

So all I remember from this morning was a lot of noises...phones ringing, alarms going off..just chaos. Mindy left at 8, I think, but Alaina stayed..and we slept in til 2. I think she skipped her one class she had for the day..the tent is just too damn irresistable...I came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to the region like I had affirmed the night prior and decided to get on other things....

one of the phone calls was from work, they were requesting me to fill out some forms they sent to my email account, so that was on my agenda...of course I needed to print one of them off and send via fax back by today..so again Amber comes to save the day for me, printing out the document I needed, but she was not in good spirits today..I don't like Emo Amber, she seemed so angry and disdainful...I think I'd rather have emotionless Amber back...but there's nothing I can do, except for feel horrible about not being able to help in any way..whatever..

I donned the realtor look and went to the ReMaxx office just down the road to request information on the house I scoped out last night. I had my name badge on and all, it was hilarious. I got the information after I talked with them a little bit, pulling my real estate cloud right over them...I got the info and immediately wanted to go inside..I mean come on, it's day time, I'd be able to see things more clear and it wouldn't be as creepy...

so I got Amber to come over to go with me and we headed off...we got to the house, I walked around in the yard again, this time having information about the wrought iron fence that is all around..but I wanted in again. so we entered, and we heard those noises again, but of course in the daylight nothing could harm you..right? we came to find that it was indeed the smoke detector running out of battery power...just 20 of them, one for every room...we looked around, walked in all the rooms, off the balconies at the top, all around, it was great..the one creepy thing was nearing the end of the tour/look-around as we were in the library we heard a noise. it sounded like water..running water..someone was in the bathroom..and it was loud at times..but we stayed, I ignored it, and it went away, but it still was creepy..I mean, especially since the house has been vacant for awhile now and water just doesn't flush itself through a house randomly...

we left the house, went to the basement which can only be accessed from the outside, and it's not a basement, just a crawl space..which creeps me out more than anything in the world...after that we headed back, I got out of my realtor clothes and became scene...so scene it hurt..

I made a sandwich and then passed out for a couple...why I was so tired is beyond me....when I came to, I saw the time, continued where I left off, going upstairs to find nothing on the TV, got online, started to write..but got a phone call for the invite for what is going to be a Tuesday tradition...

on the way over I got a phone call, from an infamous person..I was going to meet up with her had I gone up to the region..but I didn't go, and she actually sounded disappointed, so naturally promised her another time, even saying I had thought about going up when I got the phone call so I could see her and get my other stuff done in the morning..but remembered my plans I made earlier...

I went over to Mindy B's, there we gather for hanging out, though I don't like the group that hangs out with us..I want to watch Court TV, the greatest Heists and Forensic files..but everybody just wants to talk, lame ass. Mindy made snacks, I brought my own wine this time (as to not feel like a douche..) we all talked, played some games, not all the way through, we all have ADHD..then the sexual what if/would you books came out..and then sex was the heavy topic...Alaina was uncomfortable by this, poor girl...of course she didn't appreciate it when I put her phone down my pants..so yeah, she was not in the mood for all this...it was nearing 4 when all's started to leave..by that time Mindy was drunk and trying to seduce me in front of everyone there..so not cool..

I did stay the night..don't ask me why or for what (same thing in retrospect..). Mindy cooked me breakfast, actually it was lunch, maybe even brunch by the time we got out of bed..ok, yeah, definitely 3..it was nice, she always cooks for me, and I know that's her thing, but still, I feel like I'm using her for that, but I'm not..I just like food..ever hear of win a guy's heart through his stomache?...whatever...one thing I will say..I'm a cold person, I like lots of blankets...Mindy is a warm person, she has no covers on her, and likes to sleep naked at times...and for that conflicting reason, I told her no cuddling...was it that reason? I also told her no sex..we cannot have sex in this relationship, for as we all know, sex ruins all...I think this is how all my relationships will forever go from now on...til later..

"Wow, you're amazing for a virgin.....hell, for a whore you'd still be incredible...."

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"I mean, especially since the house has been vacant for awhile now and water just doesn't flush itself through a house randomly..." someone wants to believe there are ghosts there, hopefully the are friendly

"she always cooks for me, and I know that's her thing, but still, I feel like I'm using her for that, but I'm not.." ok... I mean, she's obviously into you... I couldn't take favors from someone who's not gonna get what he/she wants in the end. They'll end up disappointed and I'm not gonna hurt anyone. Idk it feels weird...

"I also told her no sex..we cannot have sex in this relationship, for as we all know, sex ruins all...I think this is how all my relationships will forever go from now on...til later.." cof oof sure Jan cof cof...

"Wow, you're amazing for a virgin.....hell, for a whore you'd still be incredible...." hehe again that one, good one tho