Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patty's Day...
because I refuse to say that name..

Yes, the day where everyone is a little bit Irish...even the dirty Kikes...

So you'd think in any normal situation, after the extreme drama that happened only hours ago last night, nobody would be wanting to party...but it's March 17th, and you can't not party on this'd be like not wearing parties were to be had...

I worked a double, and the topic of discussion on everyone's tongue was the instance that happened the night prior..I had to retell the story countless times, but there was a swing to the story and Leah made the sway to make Kurtis out to be some crazed fool..They both had the day off luckily, but both came in at separate times to talk to the managers about working opposite..tensions were high....

whatever, I worked as a busser in the morning and hosted at night with an hour break in between...I was in good spirits oddly enough..and hosting only makes me happier since I get to greet..plans to get together tonight were spreading by the time I left work...and when I got home, only more ideas came about from Jim and Maria...well, my partying arse hasn't been getting much sleep as of late, were talking like two hours every 12 hours? yeah, so being involved with all that drama the night before, the drama that ensued in the tent, no sleep, working a double...I passed out for a couple hours while plans were going to actually amount to something....

well as I was sleeping Asa called me telling me a group was at Yogi's, which wasn't the place we were all supposed to be going to originally, but whatever...I called him back, realized it was his house, and then called him back on the number he called me on the first time Mindy's cell...Mindy had already left, and from the way she made it sound, the crowd was thinning out at Yogi's whatever...

so I felt like I had missed out, my St. Patty's day was over...Jim, Maria, and I did make a quick run over and into the abandoned house across the street..yeah, the basement light was still on, but it was still creepy...

Then I remembered Matt was having a party, and since I was dressed I felt the obligation to go I was thinking it over, I got a text from Alaina, who ironically enough I was just about to text message, even weirded was the fact her message was , "What....." like she was anticipating me to text I found out she was at Lauren's, and that's where everyone else was too, so with that confirmed knowldge, I was on my way...

got to the party, you know...typical OG party...OG people...drinking....I guess the highlight was the huge Hookah on the living room table...oh, and the fact that anyone could smoke Hookah, marijuana, or anything else in the house...but cigarettes...oh no...go outside for that....whatever, fucking hippie potsmokers....

for whatever reason I felt some need to stay, even as he crowd thinned out, I stayed, no intentions on any hookups believe it or not, but I just felt like staying....I did eventually take care of "Bruce" who got drunk on wine...there was a mini-dance party that raged for a good hour or so...then Lauren decided she was tired and wanted to sleep, so everyone picked up and left around 5-6ish...with the exception of Brucer and myself....

and I'm a horrible person....

I woke up at 10 that morning, again after getting only a couple hours of sleep, realized I still needed to get back to the house on the east-side of town, then to the OG on the west-side by 1030...well, needless to say, I made it, and I rock for it..

The value the world sets upon motives is often grossly unjust and inaccurate......

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"The value the world sets upon motives is often grossly unjust and inaccurate......" sadly true

Also, I've never celebrated Saint Paddys day, I guess because I'm not irish? lol but because there might not be many ones here... funny thing my brother's birthday is the 20th so if it was a thing, he would probably be a different person, I mean more into the boose maybe hehe