Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Home Movies..
..the first season..

With a day off and nothing planned, what is there to do?

that statement alone should win some sort of award, for brilliance of course, but we'll just move right along and I'll continue with the story while the academy gets together to present the award at the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Achievement in the Field of Excellence

I slept in, of course, that seems to be the norm for me as of late..got up making a sandwich, trying to kill off the old bread since I bought new bread when I really didn't need it...Jim came home within the final bites and asked if I was hungry, seems to always happen like this. He had some crazed idea to get a new type of pizza, had some coupon or something, sounds good to me....

when I told him I was down, and that I didn't have work to worry about, plans changed. The idea that we have been sitting on the back burner for the longest time (well, not the longest - that would be the S'mores idea..) but yeah, the idea that has been more feasible just never has taken place..we were to implement that...the idea, Home Movies Marathon: Season One.

For those of you not familiar with HM, it was a cartoon, made in the same styling as Dr. Katz, aired on the Cartoon Network - Adult Swim - but like all good shows, cancelled and now has an underground cult following...

Anyways we started watching the first disc of three right around 7:30, and coincidently so did the drinking...Our plan was to take a shot of Spaulding's special mix vodka at the beginning of every show, and while we were watching we would be drinking our normal drinks. Drink of choice for us tonight was Jungle Juice - Half a bottle of Everclear and a gallon of Blue Raspberry Thirst Rockers, a new concoction for us.

We only made it through a disc and a half, so about eight out of the thirteen episodes - before Jim was ready to call it quits and go home with Maria..I think I could have kept on going, but with my partner gone it seemed pointless to continue, especially since we are supposed to watch the series together...so I guess for that reason I will have to let it slide, everybody knows my tortuous fascination with sitting through an entire series of something....ehh, anybody remember my relentless asking to sit through the bible series with me....

I made some phone calls....but nobody was answering their phones....actually two people did, the first didn't think I was drunk and the other person, who ironically said, "hey I haven't heard from you, you only call when you're drunk" also had no idea I was drunk..lame ass....

and it was an early night for me...I think a made it to bed shortly after 12, un-frickin-believable...

but I'm gonna come right out and say it, I'm not a fan of the Everclear Drunk; and my reasoning may not seem like the norm. Ok, so you drink the Jungle Juice, you can barely taste the alcohol (and in all actuality right after we took that first shot and tried the drink again, any alcohol taste had completely vanished...) - and I'm all about not tasting alcohol when I'm drinking, makes things easier, especially for the fact that it gets you faded quickly...but the actual drunk stage you become when drinking Everclear, that's what I don't like. Alright, so I know I am drunk, my body knows I'm drunk - and that actually helps my brain know I am drunk...but there's a question of if I am really drunk or not....alright, so as I said, my body is drunk, it doesn't feel right, maybe a little upset, maybe I'm slightly dizzy, hungry, struggling to walk straight kinda...but my mind, it doesn't do things drunk people would do...it doesn't get loud, doesn't get belligerent, doesn't try to hit on anything that moves....my speech isn't slurred, in fact I think it gets better and more coherent, and I'm not dong any stupid actions (like running into the blinds yelling something about the FBI and pulling out a fake gun from my pocket..)

basically what it comes down to, I don't feel sloppy...people don't know I'm drunk, there are no drunk qualities...anybody would let me drive home, but I would*kinda* know not to...I mean I would think I was drunk, but how drunk...all these other skills are fine...it's quite confusing....I wanted to feel trashed, I want to feel haggard...I don't want clear thoughts in my head as I am trying to escape reality...come on....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

hahaha Jungle Juice, you and your funny names, oh boy
I like blue raspberry, actually all berries

"but my mind, it doesn't do things drunk people would do..." everybody experiences it differently
I've already told you all my tipsy-drunk-totally wasted (that one hadn't happen yet lol) states
I've never black out, yay my brain

"I don't want clear thoughts in my head as I am trying to escape reality...come on...." you have clear thoughts when you're drunk? 🤯