It's Just Getting Worse.....
oh my, i've been up only for a few hours and everything seems to be going downhill at a very rapid pace. every little thing possible is going wrong, unforessable stupid little things, but tey are all adding there's this web toolbar that has somehow installed itself onto my IE broswers, it is F'ing annoying, i think it's called intelligent explorer, some plugin i know i didn't download. that also caused this stupid box to appear on my desktop as well. speaking of desktops, my icons won't move. no they aren't locked, i've tried everything, but they just won't move. my batteries in my mouse were low, the webwheel feature on my mouse wouldn't work either. these annoying ass grey pop ups are pissing me off as well. when i try to comment on zach's blog about cameras in the classroom, i'm not able to open the pop up window to comment. i tried opening a new link, or letting itself open it, nothing. oh, not to mention my archives are gone agian, haven't had that porblem in ages, along with my comments, they got together and ran amuck to mexico or some shit, sounds like something i should do. xanga is also MIA, can't visit people's sites or update my own. oh and when i tried to copy and paste a post i had, well it wouldn't let me copy nor paste anything from anywhere, i tried all te commands, keyboard, mosue, eidt tab, everything.....that angredd me as well. so i virtually lost that, well i did take a screen shot with paint, maybe that will work. oh did i forget to mention that blogger is also f'ed up, i am typing being able to see only one line, i've refreshed and reloaded this thing like 12 times. the only thing to make this day worse, is by having me live through it. it's only 10:00 am, good goff. why me, why now?
1 comment:
screen shot with paint! the good old days
Ps. I had a nap and was trying very hard to wake up and when I wake up I had to wake up again
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