Friday, August 15, 2003

It Only Has So Many Clicks...

yeah, words to live by....i went to unlock my car, keeping the key turned to the left for a couple additioanl seconds to unlock all the doors and as i go to pull open the backdoor to put the guitar in, it's till locked. so i figured whatever, reached in on the drivers side and hit the unlock button, didn't hear anything, pulled agian, still to no avail. i crawled in to the back and tried to open the door, it's still yeah i realzed after i dicked around with it some more, the power lock switch is busted, the controler on the inside, not the door or anything. but yeah, so of course i'm mad, probably like a $20 switch and 80 dollars labor, but i'll get it fixed...maybe that was what was wrong with my remote starter...who knows, that'd be bad ass if that got fixed, right in time for winter and sleeping in my car, ha..that's all.....

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