And to think......
It's quite humorous, well at least to me, that almost a year ago i made a little post on this Blog on August 16th, the third in a row for that day, and the first day of posting, and it was all about the name DAVE. I look at that post and I am brought back to a time when i could half ass write, well, at least it was better than it is now. my writing abilities have gone out of the ass and down with a flush. i wish i were able to convey my thoughts as well as i did back then, ahh the memories, but back to my i hated the name dave then, now it's the name bob, and they all have one underlying link, there's only one thing that conects these two names together, like a bridge over a troubled brook. call me spiteful, call me a guy, call me human because that's the real reason, i hate when things like this happen, i'm not overly conscious on the subject, lest it be hidden from me, and i think everybody would in the same situation. i'm not looking for any input on this matter at hand, i know what's right, who's wrong, what's at fault, and who's lost. a lot of finger pointing will do you no good, those latter three statements also correspond to the three fingers pointing back at you, and for that i get a thumb's up. wow, i think i just impressed myself a bit. *good job jason* my personal gratification for the year, now i'm going to choke on my guitar, i'm writing a song with Am and Em, my favorite chords, and when together they make beautiful music of a sad, maybe angry if used correctly, but disappointing time, maybe even a love affair gone wrong...
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