Friday, August 08, 2003

BOB: Big Ol Bastard!

Ok, so here is a little name game, actually name rant. I don't like the name bob, robbert, robby, bobby, whatever. Elizabeth, whatever you do, DO NOT name your child robert, i'd have to beat the crap out of him everyday for all eternity. yeah a little far but i really hate that name. I have yet to meet a nice bob, they're all jackasses. I'm talking about people with thier first name being robert, whatever they prefer to be called, if their first name is bob/robert/whatever, throw them to pile and burn like they did in auschwitz. the more i think about it, the angrier i get, i'm sorry. this doesn't go for people with the middle name of bob, i don't have any set ideals for those people, they are fine as far as i know. but by declaring your child's name to be robert, you have placed the worst curse on society, not so much the child, but anyone who comes into contact with "Bob". Robert, straight from the devil's mouth, like spitting acid from your tongue. every time i hear or say bob it makes me want to curse, but i think i already have by saying that damnable name. Ask yourself, what villainous people do you have contact with named Bob, think about them for a second and you'll understand what i'm talking about. I could present you with my list, but i won't, we pretty much know the same people....robby bryant, my father, my father's father, bob gerleiuski, robert i can't think of his last name, the list's kinda funny when you think about it, my allias of "bob johnson" would be the alter ego i hate, the evil, vengeful, bastard like person, like a jeckel and hyde sort of thing, then i suppose most people would say bob johnson is mostly present in me, haha F off. so yeah, that is all....

p.s. i don't tink this counts for famous people, though i could be wrong...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

But why if you add an o... you can't get mad at boob cause boobs lol