Wednesday, May 26, 2004


You know, sadly enough that has never been a title for a blog posting..and believe me I looked. Astonishing isn't it...but if we all remember correctly, and in fact I had to be told this...the very title of this blog, the entire thing that is, was Merrrrrrr with some crappy subtitle as always, but still....the whole thing was called Merrr at one time in history. So that means I never titled a blog post Merrr because of the pure unadulterated redundancy..makes sense...because I was almost positive I made a post called Merr, but then I also remember renaming it for that simple fact it was the damn title.....

wow, a lot of garble there....but this comes to light only for the reason I heard somebody else say it...yeah, somebody else said Merrrr, in question form. Yeah, I about creamed myself when I heard's not every day you meet someone who uses such made-up crazed words as yourself and (insert other things here...) or has their initials make up the word M.E.R., ouch, sorry abut that, low blow.....I'm even hurting from that one....

but yeah...I can't remember the origin for Merrr...but slightly I do..there are parts of it I remember..maybe stemming from the Latin root Merp, or is it Greek..something like that...

anyways, that's all I gots for now..just something I wanted to share with you all..kinda like show and tell, rather it was stumble upon something weird and tell it to the select few who still read...goodnight

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

To me it sounds like the word in french... merd* which is a bad word lol