Thursday, May 20, 2004

And After Two Glasses...

Alright, what's up? Good god, did I actually just say what's up in my journal...ughhh, anywho look at me go, it's late, (it's never late, ha I contradict myself with the best of them) and now I'm a babbling idiot without any rhyme or reason...

Two glasses of wine keeps you in good health right? Sure, I'll play along with that, I'm always up for a good Merlot...

So it's now 340, I wonder how long it will actually take me to type this bad boy out..I think I started shortly after 3..and look where we are.....would you believe there are people who are actually up and online at this hour, amazing...and yeah, I'm talking to them...ok so there's only one, don't call me out on it...

It's still nice outside, yeah..I just went out to my car....almost made me have the desire to talk a walk or something, but instead I am here...I think I want to sleep, that's why....

I did talk some things out tonight, didn't really get me fact I just got up to the point of about to chisel away, but then we called it quits...

ohh ohhh, on a related subject, my mind made a breakthrough the other day..well not so much as a breakthrough break was just able to "do" something it hasn't done or been able to do before...this makes no sense to anyone but myself..and I don't think the breakthrough is for the better, I mean it's now opened the floodgates for more problems, it was a step in a direction I didn't think I was going....yeah, confusing...and it was totally random, I had no control of it, just sitting in the car, and BOOM there it was..and instantaneously I said with regret, "well what now" yeah...

oh yeah, Lucky Charms...apparently I had some LC high and crashed horribly...don't ask me, I wasn't really there...but it seems that I was all giggly for an extended period of time...then I fell asleep..during Donnie Darko.....yeah well, I guess it was fun to watch?

Well I think that is all I can handle right now, gots to work in the morning..and there is a planned "break feast" in the workings for 6am....ughhh, I really don't want to wake for that, it'll be too early, but food is food..

ohhh *swoon*, take one last, big breath and shut her down....this is Jason Face reporting from the nether regions of the mind, I good you bid evening....


MarisolLef said...

I was just talking about wine...
oh, Donnie Darko

MarisolLef said...

"it was just able to "do" something it hasn't done or been able to do before...this makes no sense to anyone but myself..and I don't think the breakthrough is for the better, I mean it's now opened the floodgates for more problems, it was a step in a direction I didn't think I was going....yeah, confusing...and it was totally random, I had no control of it, just sitting in the car, and BOOM there it was..and instantaneously I said with regret, "well what now" yeah... "
puzzled face, mo _ mo problems