Monday, May 24, 2004

That Was A Close One...

Yeah, my mother is back in town and I almost made a trip over to my grandparents, accidentally..I forgot she was coming up this week for something, but luckily I remembered before I even got started over there

I remember having the conversation with my grandma on Friday about the whole ordeal. my grandma called us both stubborn..she actually thinks my mother is more stubborn than I am, wow....

but yeah, she should be gone by wednesday, evenso I'll call before I even make an attempt over there this week...or I "could always just stop in anyway, I'm sure your mother would like to see've only got one mother..." yeah, she only has one kid, and that's all she'll ever have *zing* oh god, I always love to bring out those jokes about my mother whenever possible...because not only is it funny, my grandmother even laughs at them, ha.

so yeah, just a little bit o info for you all...

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

hahahaha it's funny, oh boy, your grandma sounds like the best of the best. I couldn't enjoy most of my grandmas... but yeah, she's right your mom should be "the bigger man" here because she's older and maybe those years of experience may have helped her to overcome her foibles