Saturday, May 15, 2004

Squeeze My Lemon...

Alright, here's a post, though I'm lacking any reason....

Today was an ubberly brilliant day, well I just enjoyed the piss out of it, the weather aspect that is...He had this heat spell, making things all hot and humid (like a cat..and well I didn't like it so much...then today, ohh was was dark all day, and rainy..and a bit cooler..oh man when I got outside I felt so alive...I was angered that I spent the majority of it sleeping..I wanted to go out and live, take some pics that best resembled the mood and yeah, just breathe....

but because of my sleeping in I lost all time to do anything I should have and went about my business doing what I normally do that brings me joy in other forms, hanging out with the guys..there was one rough/sad/bad point, but not going to talk about that right now...

ohh, as for jobs, we are making bets to see what will last the longest, who will give first..will I quit, get fired, or will it last til august when I legally leave..who knows....Target gave me two final warnings, how do you get TWO final warnings..shouldn't one be a final warning and the other be my termination..that's how I would figure yeah I was disgruntled yet apathetic, not giving a damn with my cockiness..signed my name Jason FU Angus on all four forms and called it a day..then left a note making my soon to be resignation final...

so that's life, fun stuff...I am just going to do whatever, doesn't matter, if I want time off, I'm taking it, to hell with whatever I did before...I'm at that point of giving it all up again, damn lack of's like filming someone running up a hill..the runner is in the screen the entire time, making incredible ground..then all of a sudden the runner stops but the screen keeps going for a bit, then realizes there is no runner and pans back to find the runner has stumbled, fallen asleep or whatever..yeah that's me...I was running, but only with the vision of what was in the small screen, something happened, I got tired, tripped, who knows, but am out of the picture on the ground giving the finger to the rest of the help me...that's all for now..need to find my recipes.....

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