Sunday, May 09, 2004

Another Saturday Night
(Jason Evolves Watsed?)

A perfect ending to a perfect extended night..well I guess you could say...

So after returning from the glorious Canada trip I was back in Lowell, only because Vince was in town and had called me out..So I headed down to meet up with him (and Dewes actually) but Dewes bailed on us...rather, ignored us...we stopped by his house a couple times, knocked his screen window out only to come back later to find the lights in the house on and the screen back in place..thanks Davie....

Anyways, this all disappointed Vince and rather made him upset...I told him he was a fool for deciding to return to Lowell for the summer..the mere essence of being a townie has changed, god only knows what could be in store, I will guarantee nothing by 9 I left Vince, there really wasn't much left for us to do anyhow...and there I was traveling back up north...

it was planned to watch the Video..the what at the time was the Great Canada Video, which later became known as the Infamous Weekend Video....So yeah, we were watching the video...something that everyone needed to be a little tipsy to watch I guess..but that only proved to be the clincher....

So to everyone I called Saturday night, you are truly loved by me in some way shape or form...actually it would be the last calls I made of the night...I believe the first set were just chance by alphabet....but those who got called between 12 and 1, yeah, I love ya, but you probably already knew that....the last phone made was a terrible call to make, it left me wondering who I was actually talking to, and in a panic only to have the crew find me, realize what went down and steal the phone...and then that's when the fun started...

they turned the camera on me and yeah, another hour and a half of video of me in my most brilliant state, oh lord..I can only do that drunk..yeah, watch the video, it's hilarious...

but just in the same, I now know of the cure to make me stone's no miracle drink..rather an act of some sorts.....oh god did I ever sober up from it, side effects being a panic attack like syndrome and me shaking horribly...

all in all it was a great night, can't wait for more..

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

alert, theres a video of drunk Jangus 2004 lol
"...the last phone made was a terrible call to make" hahaha omg someone's drunk calling, booty calling (? lol hahaha gosh nooo

we should get drunk once, I got like 5,6 stages of getting drunk...