Thursday, May 20, 2004


Is priceless....I hope I never utter the words, "well, this is an enlightening conversation" or some other sort of witty ass sarcastic remark such as that ever again....because damn, I love conversation..and I suppose even when there is "nothing" left to be said, it's just at a point when it's either really awkward and for some reason you "can't" talk, or maybe you and the other people/person are on the same exact wave length, you know what you are thinking....I'm rambling I'm sorry.....

I guess I've just enjoyed the past outings a lot..and maybe the conversations have rocked so much for everyone is because they are new..throwing new people into the equation can usually add up for some fun..sadly it's just getting more outrageous as well...which goes with my other topic to come in another post...

Random Idiot: So what did you do last night Jason
Jason: Oh the usual...Alt+Tab'ed at a ridiculous rate in order to decide which pics I know, same ol same ol
Random Idiot: ...

yeah, there's some props for ya kid, originality I lacked, though revised, still the same thing..take it

did have a good conversation in the beginning of the night last night, already mentioned that before, as I said, it got me know where but it was still nice to get it out..

then I had a conversation online later that was just as good...

ohh, and I had the greatest conversation...never said and can only be replayed in five years, maybe..depending if I feel like diverging such information to the public...

ohh, and why do I say, "goodnight" at the end of my posts when you just as I know damn well I won't be going to sleep for an extended period of's just funny to see..

Well, that's all for now...Jason Face out

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

I like the first paragraph, specially the "I love conversation..and I suppose even when there is "nothing" left to be said, it's just at a point when it's either really awkward and for some reason you "can't" talk, or maybe you and the other people/person are on the same exact wave length"

I like when I fell like I could talk for ages with someone, I could still be quiet but my mind is just excited

then you got secretive.. "I had the greatest conversation...never said and can only be replayed in five years, maybe.." but that's good, you don't share everything on the media lol