Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Post 555???

How bout that...anyways, the real topic....

There's brilliance in my, really there is......honestly

if it's one thing I will be remembered for, or maybe not and would like to be, is my extraordinary ability to talk myself out of any situation possible...any stupid little predicament...something I don't want to talk about, something I don't want to answer, I can generally get myself out of....oh god, and you thought the ramblings were worthless..

haha, I think we all remember the AOL CD incident at Circuit City....enough said....

And the other bit of deception would be this here blog..yeah, a wasteland depository for my thoughts....though only partial.....I post in such a way that unless you know the one clue that I leave out, you won't understand a thing I am saying...."you type with such vaguity..yet filled with so much detail"..quote from zach...

it's like I'm too afraid to come right out and say I'll hide it by leaving out the most important detail and go right into everything else....but yet at the same time I want to be caught...I mean every criminal wants to be caught....they leave a calling card, something behind, a flaw to their seemingly flawless plan...Subconsciously we all want to be caught....I want to be caught just a well

this here thing is filled with so much crap that if anyone ever found out what I was actually talking about, they'd stop dead in their life tracks...but I continue....

so come people..catch up with me...this game isn't any fun when I'm kicking all your asses so terribly...come on, read into it..put two and two together...I'm dying here...I'll give you a dollar...a few of you were so close, keep trying...and remember I like to distract my way out of things, so don't think you are cold when really you are hot...

and oh my god, I think I was just duped into the greatest deception ever...well I'll be...HA

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

oh yeh, "my extraordinary ability to talk myself out of any situation possible...any stupid little predicament...something I don't want to talk about" it's true and proven

""you type with such vaguity..yet filled with so much detail"" it's true! how accurate, Zach
well, the most important thing I believe is not if the others got it but if you will remember this. I mean, sometimes I've written things on my journal on code but now, like 10 years later I don't know how to decode it. Literally, there was a "code" of words at school.