What Do You Want Out of Life??
I had to stop everything I was doing, I felt a rant coming on and didn't want to lose sight of it...so hopefully I can still achieve what I wanted only moments delayed..
What do you want out of life? Is life what you get out of life what you put into it? Well, when I try to define that statement the first ting that comes to mind is the damn beatles, yeah they suck, but they said something like, "the love you take is equal to the love you make"..and I guess that can go several ways, but back to life....No, it's not..yet, maybe so...Yeah, I suppose the more you put into life, the more effort, you have a better chance at getting more out of life, but that's just like flipping a penny..you got a 50/50 shot..And if you actually get five heads in a row, does that make the probability that the next one will be tails? Well, chance has no memory, you still have a 50/50 shot at getting heads, or tails for that matter....But chance has no memory, or does it...Don't we seem to think that in the end it all evens out, even through all the chaos of life, it all has purpose, a self balancing equation in the end...And the rarity of getting several heads in a row is lessened by the more occurring balanced equation of 50/50...Like I said, a rarity...We play to have that chance, a bit of a mix up, a glitch in the system..Damn prospects...
like zach said, the idea of prospect is so intriguing and controlling in the human mind, you give a man the possibility, though very bleak, that something may happen, he'll strive to make it so. Nobody should really play the lotto, your chances are one in a million, if not more...That's all chance, timing, having the heavens align perfectly for you, sacrificing a sheep, etc....But I play because there's that chance, hey, it may happen, and if not...Well maybe next time, nothing lost, nothing gained...ok, maybe a couple dollars a week, but every now and then it balances out when I have several winning numbers and a powerball, all is even and I continue....I have this great line that I am actually using for the movie Townies, it goes something like, "well I take pride in these numbers..I play them every week, they are special to me, full of birthdays and anniversaries..they're mine?And so special and unique the damned machine hasn't picked them yet.." so yeah, I take pride in those numbers, they all mean something to me, so they're mine, if they get picked I suppose the uniqueness of them will be lost, but what will be gained is a hell of a lot of money...compensation, balancing out....
so were the beatles right, love you take=love you make...Do I take a lot of love? I am under the impression, maybe false, that I give a lot of love, I do a lot for love, I do things for those I love..Is it equal to what I get back? Everything has to be, on different playing fields of course...it's all a big circle, and everything comes back...maybe not three fold, but it comes back, so I suppose you should always pay it forward...in one area that you lack in, you possibly well might pay attention more to another...it'll all even out..the same team doesn't win every game, every championship....but somebody does have to win every now and then....
So are we supposed to gloat and parade ourselves around like no tomorrow in our accomplishments? Are we supposed to be withdrawn and sluggish when the world's not spinning like we think it ought to for us? No, it's more than 50% "luck", chance..things may happen to fall for you, things may happen to fall on you, whatever the case, don't stop and look around, just keep going..you'll reach the end soon enough..and when you do, I hope you took a moment to take in life's best things..I don't know, I'm done...
read more with this.....dance
1 comment:
"damn beatles, yeah they suck, but they said something like, "the love you take is equal to the love you make" hahaha I can't even remember the song, I guess I haven't heard much of them...
"I suppose the more you put into life, the more effort, you have a better chance at getting more out of life" I think I put a lot into life, yet I feel right now that I'm not getting anything...however, I think time will tell
"Don't we seem to think that in the end it all evens out, even through all the chaos of life, it all has purpose, a self balancing equation in the end..." to know this we can ask to 100 people that is in their 90s or something, then we can see what they all think
"love you take=love you make...Do I take a lot of love? I am under the impression, maybe false, that I give a lot of love,I do a lot for love...Is it equal to what I get back?" well, I don't take a lot of love, unless there's like a "social contract" with people.. I mean, If I've just met someone I'm not gonna be taking any love or time of the other person because you know how everyone has their own problems and we're just acquaintances... but if it's someone like my mom, yes I'm expecting some love, if it's a close friend (luckily I only have few because sometimes you expect a lot from someone and then you get nothing in return and that sucks...) anyway, about the love you take, love you make... I believe it makes sense, however is in time that you will find this balance thing... for example you may feel on 2004 that you're not getting the love you give but maybe in one, two, three, ten years later someone will love you and give you all the love you once gave or feel and you might be what did I do to deserve this, but it's a circle (you taught me that, that life's a circle.. however I'm still giving it some thought)
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