Sunday, February 22, 2004

Definitely Wrong Place, Wrong Time...

Alright, so as some or most of you know I do have a second job again, go me I suppose. It's an alright place, but when it comes down to it....I shouldn't be working there, most likely not. It would strictly be a place to go to and eat, maybe think, "hey it would be cool to work here" and shit like that...but all in all it's not my atmosphere. And when I say atmosphere, I mean the people I work with...Most of us were hired because we are loud, outgoing, people people, and so forth..and that's who I work with. Now try to remember those people throughout your life, in highschool and the latter years..yeah, generally they were stupid ass people, no cream of the crops here. I'm talking the "I'll do it to be a cool sociable person"

After work last night, a large group decided to go to BW3's, funny that the owner of RR is the owner of bedbug as well....Ok, and I decided to go..I was thinking to myself, well I don't know a soul that I work with, everyone else seems to know at least a couple people, so I got to make my attachment to at least one so I can "fit in" a little more at work. Well, correction, I kinda do "know" one person, fact she's the one to invite everyone to Bdubs, but she has such an ADD problem it's not even funny, so I need to find someone else more or less, john would have been that person, but didn't work last night..Anyways...

so yeah, Bdubs last night..well let me take you through the situation I work in before I get into it...Ok, so I'm a server...there are like maybe 7-9 guy servers, granted there are maybe 10-15 guy busers & hospos, and of course the cooks are all guys (20 or so?) but for the past week of training it's just been the ?8? guys...and totally outweighing the other side are the girls....there are so freaking many of them. I'd say there's around 70 girls, probably 100 once you count all the other departments, but for servers 70 works..maybe I'm a little high on my numbers, but it's still outrageous. Ok so let's do a little recap of things..

We have more girls to guys, and everyone is a stupid outgoing imbecile..and if you ever met a guy like that, you know they are the most fucking annoying things possible, usually cocky, arrogant, think they are funny as hell, just all-around fucks..I'd say there are 2 or 3 that aren't like that, but you don't notice them at all. So yeah not a somewhat intelligent soul to be found....

so of course since I am working with a group of said guys, they form these little bonds with the other guys and such..Throughout all of training I kept hearing, "so which one do you think is the hottest" or "which one you gonna bang?" and it continues *rolls eyes* but the clincher here, was last night a the group dwindles down we moved from our party table to a the girls get up to use the bathroom, the two other guys that are with me lean forward towards me and start talking, "alright, one of us is gonna be sucking on ?connie's? titties by the end of the night, we're all in on this, even you a'ight?" something similar to that, even right now I continue to shake my head in dismay.

ohhh my..last night I sat at the table, I was taking everything in, didn't say hardly two words, somebody mentioned a simpsons episode I spoke, I wanted a refill, I spoke, maybe an occasional nodding of the head, but really, I was just absorbing the situation. I don't even think I had anything to say, granted I was tired and had a headache, I just didn't have any thoughts together on anything..they were trying to get me to talk every now and then, but like I said, there was nothing for me in the conversation..I was just enjoying being a sponge.

I mean granted, they are all idiots, I like having that sociological eye and just sitting there watching it all. I really think that's the only thing that's going to get through working there. I mean so far everyone I've come into contact with has given me a chance to judge them..either from the ditzy hospos, or wearing to much make up, having a huge gap, talking about going to jail, doing said illegal things, having fake ID's..I feel this is part of the highschool crowd I was never a part of, and for a reason. Work shouldn't be too much of a problem, I got there, put in my 6 hours or whatever and will be the after work social functions that will be a little off.

I'm not sure if any of this made any sense, as I typed it, nothing seemed to be coming out in the order I wanted it to, nor like I had planned it was a rant in my head that was never really given a chance to develop, hell I haven't even mentioned any of that to anyone else yet, so nothing has been nutured..I do apologize for it's incoherence..I'll work on that....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"even right now I continue to shake my head in dismay." aww, jesus, that's sweet