Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Keeping it Alive

it's like a pep rally...
for the light-hearted..

i got to say something, even when there's nothing to say...

so yesterday was St Patty's Day and i did eventually make it out to the bars to enjoy a nice frosty Guinness. All in all it was an enjoyable night, i guess you can say..met up with an old co-worker, met up with two ladies, ate at a new place (always a highlight for me), and stayed out decently late.

i guess i'm not much up for going out still, not quite 100% - this cough makes me wish it were the end..i love not getting enough air as i hack out the remaining breath all the while forcing mucus out from my lungs as my ears's a joy, really, try it sometime....

i've been on a paranormal kick..or i've just been watching too much TV now that i've had a week off from doing any sort of work..i've watched plenty of the ghost hunters i dvrd, followed up with paranormal state, scariest places on earth, and of course, start doing this and getting back into it...but, that's a pipe dream

gary brought over some random man/chick last night..he claims he scored....he is that guy so who knows..because after all, he is that guy

i plan on actually going into work tomorrow...even if it is a 6am shift, a pointless shift most of the times, but it wouldn't be cas/lax/thurs if i didn't work it...i miss some of the people from there at times, but maybe i feel as if my presence, or lack there of, really matters...sidenote, i plan on also not we will see how long i actually last at work..i think i look fine...

oh, the most noteworthy thing from today was gary not leaving for nashville...apparently he overdrafted his bank account, so he had to use his vacation/rent money to pull him back into the positive...ohh those fees, they'll get you...but the plus side is...we finally got to eat at Fiesta favorite little eatery located near us..see, the plan was to eat there yesterday, as we generally do on Tuesdays...but the little fucker gary stood me up...then came home drunk after 10 trying to get me to come out....well, i can't turn down a Guinness so i went out...and as karma would have it, the card he used to buy my drink was connected to his bank account....not saying my drink is what made it go over...but i'm sure it helped ;-)

"Nobody cares!!!"

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