Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patty's Day


good things happen on spring break...

Woooooo..March has a lot of things to celebrate, what with Pi Day, the Ides of March, March Madness, Daylight Saving Time, and of course, St Patrick's Day it's hard to muster up the strength to pull myself out of bed and throw something green on - or maybe it's still the cold talking

i realized this morning that in light of my illness i had not been on par with my daily hygiene, so to speak - in fact during my friday into sunday slumber i had been awake maybe a total of twenty minutes..eyes open for a third of that really...and i used the bathroom, what, twice, if that..

So it was after all this i realized that the green i had been donning wasn't something i particularly should be...one of the pluses of being sick is you cannot smell just how bad you (may) wreak

awesome..on that note i shower..but i don't shave, i leave the scruffy facial hair, makes me feel like some sort of a renegade..you know it's not often in my life i get to keep the facial hair, everywhere i've ever worked has always frowned upon it..so i'll take what i can get in the meantime...

speaking of work - i got a voicemail today from work, asking not only where i was, but having the audacity to tell me that 'word is' that my facebook status updates say that i am doing well..but not at work.. *breathe* every time i start to talk about this i get furious..for like five reasons...first of all i have only made 4 updates in the past six days...if that isn't a sign that i'm sick, i don't know what is....and whoooo the helllll is telling management about my facebook status updates..especially inacurratly...ughh..makes me wanna burn that place to the ground...

so with all that being said...it's St Patty's Day...forget about all the cares in the world, grab a Guinness, wear a little green, and start a fight...it's you're god given Irish right!

"I may be deathly ill..but i swear i'll kick someone's ass today.."

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