Sunday, March 05, 2006

Work sucks..
Back hurts..

life's stupid.

what a day, what a fucking day...I got up to my alarm going off at 10..well, I did wake up at 8 to turn all my lights off from the night prior...but when my alarm went of, I really didn't get up at first..eventually got myself out of bed because I picked up a shift to start at 1045..yippee..get to work and it's already lame..just because I'm tired really...I seriously had the worst set of tables to have at once...each table had one of those bastards who drinks their beverage to empty every time you turn your back, it is impossible to keep this guys glass I had one on all three of my tables, all different drinks too..and then they were also so damned needy..and I tried to explain to the fat fucks that additional breadsticks and salad would take longer than normal because of the 55 top that was back in Ecco, so just stick to eating the entres you have in front of you, ok....

and to top it off, they were all horrible tippers too...I cut myself at 330 to take a quick break and come back..and I had only made $46, probably pushing 10% of my sales....and after my subway break I come back and didn't clock on til quarter to five, just because I was nearing overtime and told them they can seat me if they needed to, but technically I don't get back til when they tell me they were going to seat me, at 445..I sat and waited 23 minutes til my first table was actually sat...

and the night just went downhill from there...I did rock four tables for a bit, but when the Tools from LoewsFraternity were sat in my section, everything went to shit...I had those bastards who wanted refills on soup til they were bloated, then I was double sat, and then a party of seven went on one of my tables along with hope's table..and she didn't want to take it just because...

I busted my ass, kept drinks full and everything coming out when it need to and I still got shitty tips...5 on 60, and 8 on 90, which I had to split with hope since we shared that table...I'm a damn good server, people constantly tell me I'm the best server they have ever had..I bust my fucking ass to keep people pleased and I know I'm just doing my job, but show some fucking love..I make 2.13, not minimum wage or anything close to that..whenever you think a dollar per person is good, go fuck yourself...if you think anything lower than FIVE dollars is acceptable, don't eat out...and I know some people only have a certain amount of money, let's call them poor..well, keep in mind if you are expecting to only pay $50 for the night...make sure you fucking bill is no larger than have to tip people...20%..20% is the standard...that's what we fucking servers are EXPECTED to's like the reverse of the fucking speed may only go up to 55mph, but you could go below, anything above and we've got a problem....put down your god damned 20%, that's where you start at..and you know, if they service was good, go up from there...jesus H's not hard...

so anyways, I was pissed and stormed out of the OG...I was touchy all day, funny choice of words because a couple people were trying to carass me and I totally just went off on them about how I didn't like to be touched....and then you got fuckers moving slowly, not getting out of the way, going in the out door...fuck....

so on the way home I noticed one of the spotlight things shining in the sky, and I decided to follow it...I traced it over to Bluebird...and it had the name Robert Randolph on I was just thinking to myself the other day how I wanted to see him and The Family Band in concert..I missed them last year at the I went home, ate the rest of my sub, changed and drove back. I got inside, the band was playing..and they were was really rockin', really something I could have gotten down to..but I wasn't feeling it...being upset and all, and then my back started killing me, so after the first set I decided it best ot go home...and here I am..

"My name is Jason too! - Oh, looks like we got a don't see me coming down to the bus terminal and peeing on the seats while you're trying to work..because that's where you work..the bus terminal...."

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“so I had one on all three of my tables” oh boy, that’s bad luck hahaha how did that happen? when I was a kid I did that, me and my brother, but it was like a funny thing not for real

Man, I never refilled my soup at OG, yes there used to be one here, can you believe it? I almost forgot

Ok, 20% this was my question… so, mmm for 80, it should be… 16, wow… and you got 8 out of 90…

“I didn't like to be touched” lol sounds like my cousin when he was 12