Tuesday, March 21, 2006

or bust?

More like Wednesday Night Drama Party...sweet crap..

oh what a day it was...it all started off with an uneventful yet fulfilling morning; David and I sleeping in til noon..wasting around here trying to make a decision to do something, and by 5 we were out the door..original plan was to go to Panera Bread and then the mall, eating dinner at a restaurant later. but on the way to Panera we drove past Cheesburger in Paradise and our cravings for a cheesburger and a shake from earlier, all from the last bit of a dream I had, were rekindled.

we had a nice meal, we split a pitcher of mojitos, which was actually more expensive than our food somehow - it was actually quite upsetting, I mean it wasn't worth the $21, and I couldn't understand why it was so much...whatever, we left a good tip and made some friends wit the host staff...well, we were sitting right next to the stand and this loud girl, who's name was Logan, the other being Katie, would come over and make random conversation with us..I mean how could she resist two extremely atractive guys...they told me they would come to the OG to dine in my section either Friday or Saturday..I don't foresee it happening, but hey,it could happen....

I really wished Dave lived down here, or other way around, because then we'd be getting bitches left and right....

so from there we went over to the mall, stopped in Sam Goody for the store closing sale-a-thon..fixtures a FIVE dollars! we made our lap and headed back to my place to drink some more..I came up wit the brilliant idea that we needed a drink every hour on the hour no matter where we were....

so back at my place we had really strong gin and tonics, watched Ghost Hunters - and I came to realize what a skeptic Dave really is..he hates the show as much as I love it..absolutely intriguing...we waited around, Rachann was supposed to come over, but that never happened...however Andrea called and was at Sports trying to get a table..so we headed on over there, we literally walked in the door, Andrea grew impatient with waiting for a table and said let's move over to bluebird to get it started there...so whatever, we walked on over, the place was absolutely dead, I mean it was only 1030, and we sat down at a booth...

as the night drew on, the crowd trickled in..I sent out texts for everyone to meet up there, for what is our Wednesday ritual...and then the drama occurred....

Drapper all of a sudden sends me a text asking if I egged his and mindy's cars...this gets me infuriated because he asked if I did it, not if I knew anything about it...we have that conversation, I tell him if that's what a friend is fuck off..I understand that he as mad, I would be too, he just bought a new car..but random acts of violence, really? I'll TP, I'll Saran wrap, but egg....especially not to a friend...meanwhile mindy is calling me..she calls a total of eight times..and on the last call finally leaves a message...well I couldn't take calls because it was too loud..and she knows how pissed I get when you don't leave voicemails, so I'm wondering what the F the entire time...I come to find out that her voicemail was actually lame, it was calm and just wanted me to call her when I got around to it...ok...

so Dave gets up to use the bathroom, I move over to andrea's side and start talking to her about things she is going through..then I look up and I see mindy and Leah peering at me, mindy says harshly, "we need to talk, now" I tell her to sit next to me and she starts badgering me about if I egged her front door and left a note for her...I explain that Dave, who is sitting across from me laughing at the fact mindy came to hunt me down - which she got pissed about -, is still in town and I've been with him all day..she thought it was shady I didn't answer my phone for her but was sending out texts to other people...well for the record she hates it when she calls me and I text back to her, she hates texts for one, and b - to her that looks like a shady move just as well..

I say the line, "can you hear yourself right now, because I can't even hear myself think...and you wanted me to answer your calls how?" so we talk, the note, which wasn't in my handwriting, was on an assignment for an IU 200 level class, somehow pin-pointed to me because the use of three exclamation points and the phrase, "psycho bitch" - not my trademarks, but I can kinda see where she was going with it...

that coupled with the fact everyone told her that I was upset at her yesterday, and how the managers told her it was her that made me late Monday for the dinner made her think it was me even more....for the record she said she had to straighten that last part out wit the managers..Straighten what out..she was the reason I was late...grrrrrr

so we talked, eventually she calmed down, but she wants me to find out for her, do her dirty work, because the culprit who did it will be fired (if an OG employee) because the egging of the car happened on OG property...god she has the managers so far up her ass it's ridiculous...

I also throw in the fact that her and I still need to talk, as mentioned in a voicemail a couple days prior..she states how she hates talking with me because it always involves "us", and she feels as if I never listen to what she says because it's always the same thing over and over..she then tells me that we just have to pretend like she has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend when we are around each other..yeah, that worked the first time....

and really, pretend...what's the fuck with that...that phrase right there indicates some ulterior motive, something that is being repressed..but god I look into things way too deeply..as long as they are there..

I also just realized that her and leah had a to pay a three dollar cover to come and hunt me down...now that's funny...

so she leaves and in walks Chase, I got up to use the bathroom and when I return Andrea is gone, I ask Dave where did she go and he replies saying Andrea saw someone she knew.."she wasn't supposed to.." but in her absence Dave and I made some friends yet again, these girls sat at our booth while their other friend was getting the beers, we told them it was totally cool to sit with us..we were talking, having a good time, and enter in Andrea..she wants to leave now and starts to grab her stuff...I told her that it was fine for her to go, but she wasn't driving..I didn't feel like sticking around, the place had gotten way too crowded anyways (Hope had wanted to join us much earlier but there was a line that wrapped around the building to get in..and chase said it took him 15 minutes to get a drink, which ended up being an incorrect order anyways....)

so I gave Dave andrea's keys, our departure was coincidentally right after one of the cute girl's introducing their boyfriend to us..and as we walk out I see chase and Jeff leaving..I run up to chase and try to distract him as Dave and Andrea walk by..words are exchanged, words got louder, and then the bomb was dropped..at this point Dave and I react quickly and pull the already distance separated two even moreso apart...I get chase to jeff's car and try to calm him down..after just a moment I let them go on their way and get to my car to drive home and hopefully meet up with the other two...

but Andrea wanted just to go home despite my attempts to try to get her here to have people around..so I'm at my place and Dave walks back from andrea's - I call her to make sure she's alright, no answer so I leave a short message..she calls me backing and is just in hysterics..I throw the phone to Dave to keep her on it while get clothes back on. we walked over to her place, which just so happens to be a block and a half away and we sit with her...we kept her company until 2 in the morning, trying to crack jokes, get her mind off of things, and as I saw she was falling asleep we headed back over to my place...

Dave and I stayed up for just a bit longer, watching Adult Swim, but soon crashed after that...our anticipation for a WNDP fell drastically short of anything real, everyone ditched us or cancelled out on our ritualistic tradition of Wednesday Bluebird, accusations of eggings were made, friendships teetered in the balance, disappointment filled the air just as packed as the people at the Bird, and drama..like god, was in everything...

"Why don't you get me pregnant again so I can have another miscarriage!!!"

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