Thursday, March 16, 2006

That Middle Day...
with my mid-wife...

the 16th

so the 16th is just that bonding day of nothing that we use to hold together a crazy've got Pi Day, the Ides of March, and St. Patty's day all within several days..make the week longer if you're birthday happens to be on the 19th....

so the day didn't start off too great...I was woken up a couple times by random phone calls..and then when I finally did decide to get up I received yet more phone call, this time it was a let down and angry call, from Mindy. I thought she was back in town and wanted her key back from me..well turns out, she was just returning home that very hour...

so we had the whole argument of where is her rat, I guess one escaped, and I hadn't been feeding them since Tuesday because I thought she was back, and all this other I flew over to her place, left her key in her car, fed Wally, and searched for Gus..coming up with nothing but leaving food out for him...

I went to work a little bit later, I came in a bit early because I wanted to talk to Randy..but the DM was in so it had to wait. I had a reverse follow, which I didn't think went so well..I tried to correct her on things but she's new and I know what it's like being in that I was very easy with not only was I able to take just a table at a time, but I had the crappiest tables guy even stiffed me, but left his business was for some flea market...are you kidding? the only make-up for the day was the eleven top I got to split with Jeremy...they left an extra 20 on top of the grat, which pushed my tips to $50, with three hours at $12 an cool deal...

after work I came home to change quickly and ran over to the Crazy Horse where I met up with Joe & Steph, Andy H with his wife serving us, and Rachann...everyone had their wives so I made Rachann my wife...Patty, Jeremy S, and Matt B would come to join the group in just a few...

we had a good time there, at midnight we all cheered to St Patty's Day, and Rachann with myself had an Irish Carbomb..delicious..we were there til one when we decided to move over to Upstairs, Kirkwood being deserted and all it was pleasantly nice. Brittany the ex-busser met us up there too, and I realized just how hot she really is...I've always liked her because of who she is, everyone had always said how hot she was but I never really saw HOT coming from her, banging ass yes, cute all over yes, but nothing more..I was more attracted to her personality, they way she talked, what she talked about..that turned me on..but last night, in nothing more than casual clothes she impressed me - so to that, cheers.

we had a good wife Rachaan was wasted, completely hitting on the bartender Tom...I believe one of the lines she used towards the end of the night was, " come and fuck me tonight" though it was made with the help of the guy next to her whispering things to say to him in her ear...Brit's friend TJ was a pretty cool guy, he looked like an average college tool you would see at the bars but talking to him impressed me...and he knew all the bartenders and got me a drink for free....he also totally thought Rachann and I were together, kept calling her "my girl" whenever he mentioned her..I didn't want to correct him, and it would look weird especially with the drunkard calling out "where's my husband" every three minutes...

we closed down the bar, finally getting kicked out of there at 330, and with no tab to pay, we marked it as a very good night....then we took the long walk back to our vehicles, wherein I had to pick up Rachann and throw her into Patty's car so she wouldn't/couldn't drive..I made it home and then sent the messages I had been working on earlier in my phone to a certain someone...I foresee doom....

"If you were my sister.. - If you were my wife, I'd fuck ya"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“.I made it home and then sent the messages I had been working on earlier in my phone to a certain someone...I foresee doom....“ LOL
omg whos The overthinker, jeeez Louise

“If you were my husband, I would fuck you” noisseee I’ll use that 😂