Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Long Thursday...
a day of defeats...

this day took it's toll on me, with no time to recoup...

It was to be a very long day..having to wake up early, and finishing it off really late. the alarms went off somewhere around 8am, me naturally jumping up to hit the snooze...only because of the company I am in..this happens five more times...and when it finally catches the attention of mindy, and she realizes what time it is, she gets upset at me for allowing the alarm to go off those six times and not getting up...any other time though...whatever

so I run home to shower, shave, and get a clean uniform on...I was originally going to go back and pick her up but Fabi arrived at her place so I took my time and met them at the Holiday Inn for the meeting.

==>The CT meeting lasted til 2..I wanna say I napped until I had to go back to work as an expo in the just sucked....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“this day took it's toll on me” my dad used to say that, because he’s an accountant lol