Tuesday, May 31, 2005

OG Bowling...
a Tuesday Night Thing...

an act of socialness sparked on by...

So I worked a double at the OG today, yeah, no biggie, it was my second in a row..and my last day off was last Monday..whatever..I can handle it...so I'm working the night, and Leah comes in, so to be a nice person I go over to her table and say hello, that is when I remember she's still here..and she automatically asks me, "are you down for some bowling tonight"..are you kidding me..of course I am....

so after that point my night had a purpose, I went around trying to gather the masses and inform them of the glorious events that we would be partaking tonight..

besides doing that the night was a little slow..my favorite table of the night were these two girls..and the story goes, they walk in the door and Amanda tells Shera to go to either Cassidy or Tina with them..after I just got done telling them I had two tables open..and they were girls..so I mumbled something of the sorts to Amanda and then she blurts out..oh wait no..go to Jason....like that wasn't obvious..whatever..I waited on the girls, it was delightful..but then one of them found a piece of plastic in shrimp alfredo and I had to get a manager to comp her half of the meal...the funny part was when the manager tom came back to me saying he had a hard time trying to look them in the eyes..haha, yeah..anyways, when it came down to it, they both left me ten bucks for my tip..so I made twenty dollars on one table..whose bill ended up being twenty-two..it was sadly the first double digit tip of the evening....

so I walked out making the same amount I made at lunch, both times just slightly above what I project to make, and just slightly shy of what I aim for..what I was making last week..so I get home after racing Darrell, change clothes, and then go to pick up Mindy and her roommate Jen to go bowling...

after a loooong wait for Mindy to get ready (which I didn't understand because she was just out prior to that with Jen and her brother out to eat at Bdubs..) we finally get going and make it to suburban lanes..walk in the door and instantly I got my two cups of beer ( I'd hate to use the term double-fisting...especially right after mentioning two girls names..but yeah,. that would have been funnier...) another funny thing was we actually saw Mindy's brother and his friend at the bowling alley as well..huh, small town.. so we wait just a little bit for one of the games to end and then we get in...

I had a good time, I got my strike for Jim like he asked...but right around that beer frame I knew I was definitely feeling it...just as I started to get the groove of it all, it just as quickly diminished into alcohol...so after our game was finished and the lane we had next to ours was finished we all decided to go back to *creepy* Steve's..

and there is when drunk Mindy and I laid on the floor and talked...and it wasn't good talks...and of course I asked can we go home now..and lucky for me it wasn't too long after that everybody started peacing out anyhow...

so I drove Mindy and Jen back to their place *note, I realized I shouldn't have been driving when I got to a light downtown, stopped, and was looking ahead at all the other streetlights and they were everso lightly swaying and bouncing around...but whatever, I know how to drive in most conditions, especially in my car..it's the one thing..

so we get to her place, and I let them out and of course I just want to go home now, I mentioned earlier how we weren't going to the same places tonight..hell, the start of the evening as I picked them up I said that..funny how things can turn out to be..almost right. well I wanted to...but she wanted me to stay..and I figured we could possible talk some more, or get something accomplished..figure out why she wants me to stay after saying all those things earlier...

whatever..no talks were ever made..confusion still has ransacked my mind, and I have nowhere else to go...but at the same time I kinda do..

"you know you're drunk when you're throwing gutter balls..."

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“ you know you're drunk when you're throwing gutter balls..."
OH BOY hahaha I wish I was there to see that!

Jesus, if you’re confused with that Mindy stuff... guess how r we feeling over here

Next time we see each other there are two things I wanna do: have a real serious fight 🥊 and then getting super drunk. Like brothers do, is it a saying? Idk I’ve been thinking about that lately