Monday, May 09, 2005

What a Waste...

So another day, another nothing at surprises there...

So what an incredibly lame day it was today...I woke up..and here's the thing..I don't like waking up next to people, yet it is so comforting at the same time. I like it for the fact it meant you weren't lonely last night, when you had that bad dream there were there to comfort you...but the paradigm behind the next part is you wake up with want it to be that way forever, not a care in the world, just laying next to a warm body. I don't like to be tied down to someone, yeah sure I want to lay there and all, but dude, I got things to do..I got my own writing has hindered for that very reason. and of course you try to sneak out of bed, but they catch on, they always do...

so whatever, I got off to a great start..didn't study the night before, didn't study this afternoon...didn't go in 2 hours before my "shift" to take the tests...but then I checked my schedule..oh right, I have one day this week...what the shit? anyways, so I got into a-nondescribable state, slightly irked over the fact they took my cram=packed schedule away, and also a little am I ever going to pay my bills...

so mindy left for work, I came back to the house and started my mail, happy because two of the three things I wanted came in..and then took a nap..woke up, didn't want to go in for my tests, so I prolonged that as much as possible..finally went in at 8ish..and sat there, trying to fill out three tests...well I got the two longest and hardest tests completed by 10...I could have got the beverage test done as well, but I stopped, called it a night and said I'd be back tomorrow, we'll see..

I hung around for a little bit, then took Will home, got back here, played BTTF on NES, but the controller sucked so I couldn't make it very far in the game...and now I'm here..Mindy will be over shortly, we'll watch a movie or something and yeah, that's a day...

If you ignore the bad, how do you know what's good?

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

Hi Jangus 05

“you wake up with want it to be that way forever, not a care in the world, just laying next to a warm body” a warm body can be a dog’s body lol

mmm I think I would rather wake up lonely than next to someone who doesn't love me.
" I don't like to be tied down to someone" I've never felt the way, must be awful.
I think the idea is not to feel trapped in a relationship.

“dude, I got things to do..I got my own plans” well, maybe the other person also has their own plans? you’re not gonna be in bed forever lol I mean.. unless.. lol

Ps. Oh the NES! A classic
Ps2. What tests are you taking? Are you applying somewhere?
Ps3. I really like the quote "If you ignore the bad, how do you know what's good?"