Thursday, January 22, 2009

Endorphin High

in pain
but happy?

sooooo, i overloaded myself on endorphins and..i feel...great? go figure..i had the day off, granted it started less than five hours into my sleep with a phone call asking me to come in for a lunch shift...which i let the voicemail take care of...yeah i know i need shifts...but a lunch only...ughh, crap on that..i originaly thought i was being called in for a dinner shift, but that was not the case, so no phone call back to work was needed...

the phone call was good because it woke me up from a scary dream...almost repetitious like i had it before, but whatever..i was up for the next three hours before i finally fell back asleep on the phone cool.

230 rolls around and i'm back up..why do i feel like ass...ughh, maybe i shouldn't have fallen back takes me awhile to wake up and get going..a long time in fact...but once the ball gets rolling i'm on a move...a little jerking off before i head out the door to get my blood flowing and start this day off right! from the apartment its over to the tanning place, which is conveniently right around the's probably been a good month plus in which i havent tanned - i know you could tell by my appearance - so i figured its good to start 09 off right, right?

after the 12 minute bake it's off to the gym - where i start with a 20 minute cardio bike here's what pissed me off...i was biking at 100 rpms and my heart rate was somewhere around 125 - granted i was on the hill course and also on level four - but as i read the little chart off to the side it said i needed my heartrate to be somewhere around 160 for 85% and a cardio i say, ok..let's put the pedal to the..carpet, apparently there's carpet in i get the rpm's up to 130 or so, somewhere to the breaking point..any faster and my feet are gonna fly off this thing...i look at my heart rate, 105.....wait what? how are my rpm's and heartrate inversely related...ughh, i hate this...

from the cardio it was time for my back workout...i don't even know what i'm doing...but i think i'm doing it wrong because of the pain i am in..i love to push myself, and i love to max out on my last rep...sooo, my back...hates me...

i make it back home and i notice a spring in my step...i'm as happy as a...whats a good analogy...a dick in a vagina...and i'm about to throw up....i'm calling my grandparents, sending kissy faces online, i'm just having a good ol time...and i stop and ask this a typical state for normal people? i mean, my angry every day attitude is the norm for me...sooo, is this how normal people feel everyday, just content with everything?

let's see how long it lasts...

"If the world didn't suck, we'd all fly away - i'm content with that"

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