Thursday, January 15, 2009


your space..
nuh uh...

you can't look, so don't touch...

you know something else that bothers me...when i get this message "This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile." this is the craziest thing ever...let me start by saying, every profile i have checked on the new app myspace has, the 'people you may know' tool in response to facebook's 'people you may know' tool has had this privacy setting on their profile...really people?! get a fucking clue!

ok, myspace and facebook are social networking are supposed to be able to make new friends, find old friends, network, date, etc...if you don't want the whole world knowing your credit card number...then don't put it out there - if you don't want people knowing your phone number..don't put it out there - if you don't want guys wanking it to pictures of you in your two piece bikini from your trip on spring break...too bad, keep putting them out there...

but seriously...if i am looking through profiles, trying to find people who have very picky and yet similar tastes - like loving home movies or parker lewis can't lose - but i can't because you have your stupid thing set to private..then what's the fuck?!

now now...i know some of you who actually know me well enough to stalk, er, follow me on other forms know i have a myspace..and for that matter, know that i have mine set to private - let me explain! unlike facebook, myspace does not have the option to 'accept' or 'ignore' an invitation request for a new friend. this comes in handy when i have people i don't care for or crazy stalkers trying to 'be friends' with me...

i wish i could make up the last one, but sadly it is for reals...there's really only one stalker i have that i actually fear - this person has been known to call or write my workplace and make outrageous claims to get me in trouble, for that reason i have tried to keep my distance from that person and keep as much information away as well..

when those particular people want to 'just be friends' on facebook i have found an easy solution..don't accept...don't ignore...pocket veto them...just keep that friend request there (this is especially implemented when you ignore their first request..) by keeping it there they no longer have the ability to request you again, and you can live your life without knowing how many times they tried to request your friendship..its win win...

but as for myspace....not so easy....i always fought to keep a myspace profile public..its what it is intended for...but then one day, out of the blue, i got a sense of paranoia...i don't know what it was, i didn't call my doctor, instead i went to my myspace settings and made my profile private...i think it was just a test at first, but then my fears became true....within 24 hours i had a friend request from my stalker...when i saw this request my paranoia was confirmed with a queasy feeling in my long had they been on much do they know...are my friends in danger...i did what any responsible person would do and notified my top friends (before it was randomized) and those who left comments on my wall...err, whatever myspace calls it

but that's just one person..and that's just my life....i doubt that everyone single person that has their profile set to private have a similar scenario...some crazed ex or stalker or whatever....that's just my other people, chill the fuck out and make it public....

ps i understand people making private posts for blogs and things like that...journals and diaries and such usually contain content that is 'for their eyes only' - only makes sense..i have no qualms with that...

This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile."

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