first time in 09
wait...we aren't even out of the first month yet...ughh, this is gonna be a long year
Remember when i was on the cruise ship...and i hated life....i hated life so much that i coined the phrase, "This place makes me wanna go back to school" - that kinda carried over to CP the following season, although CP wasn't nearly as bad..i don't think...well, i came up with a new one today..good 'ol CGIndy to take the cake..."This place makes me wish i wasn't born" Yes, i found an establishment that i hate more than the cruise ship..
see, every restaurant job i have ever worked at has sucked know what...come to think of it....RR was the only restaurant job that i didn't hate...maybe at first, but it was my first restaurant was like highschool all over again and i hated that..god, if i could only find the blogs i wrote about that place, what foreshadowing i would see for sure...sooo RR didn't suck or make me hate life, every job since then has at some point....some worse than others...

wait...if i look on a time line of my restaurants jobs charted as X and my hate for the place labeled as'd probably look something like this.... hatred for a place is proportionally related to the older i get? hmmmm, that one needs some tweaking... reason for the hatred at CG is simple...the GM is a i know what you are saying...ohhh, everyone has one boss that sucks or blah blah blah....i really don't know what you'd be saying, i never listen to you anyways...well as my story goes...those who know me, and know me in the work environment...i'm what most would call a workhorse..i bust my balls day in and day out, giving it all i can..mediocrity and i don't get along...
now another trait that i have which actually works to my benefit is boredom..some call it curiosity...i call it boredom, but whatever....i like to work different positions at my workplace..i can't think of a job where i wasn't able to do several positions (no comments from the peanut gallery please....) i always start out trying to figure it out on my own, then eventually management would give in and maybe i would get the official training in said position, sometimes not...
i'd like to call myself an MVP as being the most versatile person in that establishment....and with that training comes responsibility...and also getting called on my days off to pick up whatever shifts need which i will 90% of the time oblige to...
but not now...i feel so under appreciated..i feel as if when i get called in, it's not because they thought of me because i'm a great employee..they are just covering their asses and need any willing body...i don't get any respect out of going the extra mile, no gratitude, thanks, or love thrown my way - this of course said about only one man in general..the general manager, or managing partner..same difference Mr B Hewey...every other manager in the place (like scott or soapy) sees what i do, or rather what i did and what potential i had and really like me ((i think))- maybe i'm just tooting my own horn and this isn't at all true
i can't think of how i wronged this one man in particular - i know i say it all the time, that i don't know what i did wrong (its all a conspiracy) - but this time, like all the times, it's absolutely true...and maybe i don't always get along with the GM in my work places, but they always know how valuable of an assets i really am...i know i'm not perfect, i make mistakes, i loved being called out, i'm always trying to better myself...but..but if i don't know when, where, or how i messed can i fix that (JADE!)
so at this point i say that he his holding a grudge for no reason...i spent the better part of my employment in indy where it was just a job, i'd walk in the door, put my 6 hours in, and leave...i had little to no interaction with those i worked with, stayed out of the drama, did as i was asked, and did my thing...what more could you want...i even thought for a second i may have a little bit of an advantage with the GM - what with both of us being republican and all..sharing a common ground..but nope..i got nothing...
that's all i got for now, there will be a part II...i'm heading to bed because it's 5am and i work at 8am...cooooooool
Remember when i was on the cruise ship...and i hated life....i hated life so much that i coined the phrase, "This place makes me wanna go back to school" - that kinda carried over to CP the following season, although CP wasn't nearly as bad..i don't think...well, i came up with a new one today..good 'ol CGIndy to take the cake..."This place makes me wish i wasn't born" Yes, i found an establishment that i hate more than the cruise ship..
see, every restaurant job i have ever worked at has sucked know what...come to think of it....RR was the only restaurant job that i didn't hate...maybe at first, but it was my first restaurant was like highschool all over again and i hated that..god, if i could only find the blogs i wrote about that place, what foreshadowing i would see for sure...sooo RR didn't suck or make me hate life, every job since then has at some point....some worse than others...

wait...if i look on a time line of my restaurants jobs charted as X and my hate for the place labeled as'd probably look something like this.... hatred for a place is proportionally related to the older i get? hmmmm, that one needs some tweaking... reason for the hatred at CG is simple...the GM is a i know what you are saying...ohhh, everyone has one boss that sucks or blah blah blah....i really don't know what you'd be saying, i never listen to you anyways...well as my story goes...those who know me, and know me in the work environment...i'm what most would call a workhorse..i bust my balls day in and day out, giving it all i can..mediocrity and i don't get along...
now another trait that i have which actually works to my benefit is boredom..some call it curiosity...i call it boredom, but whatever....i like to work different positions at my workplace..i can't think of a job where i wasn't able to do several positions (no comments from the peanut gallery please....) i always start out trying to figure it out on my own, then eventually management would give in and maybe i would get the official training in said position, sometimes not...
i'd like to call myself an MVP as being the most versatile person in that establishment....and with that training comes responsibility...and also getting called on my days off to pick up whatever shifts need which i will 90% of the time oblige to...
but not now...i feel so under appreciated..i feel as if when i get called in, it's not because they thought of me because i'm a great employee..they are just covering their asses and need any willing body...i don't get any respect out of going the extra mile, no gratitude, thanks, or love thrown my way - this of course said about only one man in general..the general manager, or managing partner..same difference Mr B Hewey...every other manager in the place (like scott or soapy) sees what i do, or rather what i did and what potential i had and really like me ((i think))- maybe i'm just tooting my own horn and this isn't at all true
i can't think of how i wronged this one man in particular - i know i say it all the time, that i don't know what i did wrong (its all a conspiracy) - but this time, like all the times, it's absolutely true...and maybe i don't always get along with the GM in my work places, but they always know how valuable of an assets i really am...i know i'm not perfect, i make mistakes, i loved being called out, i'm always trying to better myself...but..but if i don't know when, where, or how i messed can i fix that (JADE!)
so at this point i say that he his holding a grudge for no reason...i spent the better part of my employment in indy where it was just a job, i'd walk in the door, put my 6 hours in, and leave...i had little to no interaction with those i worked with, stayed out of the drama, did as i was asked, and did my thing...what more could you want...i even thought for a second i may have a little bit of an advantage with the GM - what with both of us being republican and all..sharing a common ground..but nope..i got nothing...
that's all i got for now, there will be a part II...i'm heading to bed because it's 5am and i work at 8am...cooooooool
"i got your mission statement right here..."
Am I supposed to be telling you how to fix that? Or is that a double reference to the job and me?
I like your graph! It's nice. Hopefully your displeasure with work will soon cease to increase exponentially!
amber - double in, you always tell me what a fuck i am, what never provide the actions, reasons, or anything as to why that is the case..
cpydi - the graph is my favorite part
Oh puh-lease! Look at our friendship over the years and tell me that you haven't given me ample reason to believe that you are, in fact, a fuck. Why don't I always treat you like one? I guess cause it's exhausting having to hate someone all the time. I don't have it in me. I'd have to sleep 22 hours a day. But if you want a reason, I'll pick one of a million and explain it in as concise a manner as possible: my dog.
That being said-- I still don't hate you. I don't have the energy. THAT being said... you're still a fuck, and you know it as well as I.
Well Amber my complaint is tell me, "you're a fuck, blah blah blah, brooke had reason to hate you, so did eli, la la la" but there is no sound ground for any of this, never offered, never can't just say, "that movie sucks" without giving an explanation...and technically...even when you do, it's all a matter of opinion..when it comes to movies, books, matters like that....
and as for your dog...anything that keeps me from sleeping, angers me...anything domesticated not in control makes me roll my eyes..but we are not gonna kick up old dirt here
but you say people don't change...maybe you're right, maybe you're not...but they can't change if they don't know why or what or how they are doing is 'wrong' - and wrong is in quotes because people don't ever think what they are doing is me, i'm a fucking saint
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