Friday, October 29, 2004

Food is Gross..
..that's what they make shit out of

Alright, so I don't like being lied to, if it's the one thing that gets me, it's lying (alright, we all know there are many things that get me, let's just not go there....) And as far as I am concerned lying goes along with being a hypocrite, all in all they are the same worthless pieces of shit that can't amount to the garbled slog they spruw out on a daily basis. if you are one of these people, save me the trouble and kick yourself.

it's funny, based on recent events I have taken a new approach to things. whenever I'm talking with someone and they are not giving all the information or are maybe holding back, "possible" "sure" "I guess so" attitude on things, I try to get to the bottom of things...always have, always will. I just try to understand things the best I can, work with me here...anyways, as I was saying, people get like that and I got off on a short rant, and use what's starting to be a common line, "I'm under the impression that we have an honest relationship, right" and just things like that, making sure that they aren't just blowing me off or fucking with me.."we have an open and honest relationship correct" I like how it works, makes me think they are actually telling the truth and makes them actually answer my questions.

I'm just tired of being told different things, from the same person; or they'll say one thing, but their actions speak louder and strike a lot harder as well. I hate people who makes promises...mainly I hate anyone who has ever promised me anything. I don't want to take any more promises on, or things closely related to promises. like if someone were to say, "I promise I won't eat the last cookie", I wouldn't believe them for a second, sound bad...don't yell at me, blame those who ruined recess for all of you.

I don't like it when people I barely know are indebted to me..people that I thought I would never see again and therefore the debt would be dead like they were..but when you walk back in here, strutting your stuff with no recollection of what happened before, fuck you.

speaking of clean slates....isn't it funny how really easy for the person who did the damage to want to wipe the board clean. "yeah I know I fucked up before, my mistake, my bad, let's patch up the huge gaping wound...." yeah, easy for you to say, you made the mess, others had to actually deal with it, get off yourself.

retribution. is there any in cases like could always make a promise to change and be better, but what's that...promise, just a fucking contracts (though those are just pieces of paper..) everything is just a fucking you're own definitions (and you're own words for that matter)


look I could babble on and on for hours, but I can't (yeah, take that) I really don't like the amount of parenthesis I used, go figure..and I'm not in a mood to really be doing this, mostly tired, so goodnight, see you at the party on Friday! (Saturday and Sunday)

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"whenever I'm talking with someone and they are not giving all the information or are maybe holding back, "possible" "sure" "I guess so" attitude on things, I try to get to the bottom of things...always have, always will. I just try to understand things the best I can, work with me here..." oh yes, samesies Jangus 2004

"I'm under the impression that we have an honest relationship, right" good line, I'm using it

"I'm just tired of being told different things, from the same person; or they'll say one thing, but their actions speak louder and strike a lot harder as well. I hate people who makes promises...mainly I hate anyone who has ever promised me anything. I don't want to take any more promises on, or things closely related to promises" nice. Yes, promises, or plans or deals, yup. I think we have stuff in common 2004 AP. Now the question is how to deal with that "promise" that never came true... while not offending any friend or making them angry...

"build your own definitions (and your own words for that matter) " sounds great