Thursday, October 21, 2004

At Least In the Morning When You Leave ...
Damn, I Fucking LOVE Covers....

Alright, so what's been going on tonight...a lot....I had a moment of something..took a nap only because they turned out the lights, woke up, meandered around...people came over, damn I hate people....I went on a liquor run, whatever, then I left on a walk....went to the open mic night just to say my hellos and then be on my way, Chris didn't need me there anyways..came back, watched the Red Sox WIN, yeah, highlight of the night.....

Favorite cover....a Fifth of Beethoven, yeah, I think so..come on, it's great!

drunk people still here, maybe half and half, but still....Dance Party '04 Part II ensued, that got me on my feet as I finished the dishes..

so then that takes us up a moment in between intermission here, arguing with Jess, not the roommate, but the other Jess, the kneeler's friend, anyways...we are having are good ol fashion "I hate you" (mainly said by me) go-arounds...I just said an off beat comment buying this time...oh, what did I say.."probably just depends on how you were raised"....I attribute a large portion of the way you are by the way you were raised, on an extended level of course..not just by any parents/guardians, but TV, the other children, societal influences, it all makes a difference (of course there are heriditarial and instinctual coercions as well, but let's not get that naturalistic...) yeah so the zing to that is that her mother died when she was 11 and her dad was/is an assbag of sorts...whoops

but whatever, my argument is right, she's just mad at the world and that's why we can have these lovely non-chats...she doesn't like to discuss things and I like to piss her off by trying to talk about such things...people are so funny...

is it me, or are there less people online these days? ok, that is wrong, because last night there were 159 people offline, same number as tonight, but nobody worth talking is online, not that I can see...only 2 people in my Pity Party Fucks category are there....and one is me...whatever...

argggg....I swear, it's so aggravating..yet I ask for more. I am a glutton for punishment, look at my track record. people are tripping out, that was funny...only because I know what was going on....

so when I lay myself down to sleep at night beside you, I better see that same face in the morning next...unless you put covers on me

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"argggg....I swear, it's so aggravating..yet I ask for more. I am a glutton for punishment" I hope that had stopped

"so when I lay myself down to sleep at night beside you, I better see that same face in the morning next...unless you put covers on me"
that's cute :)