Sunday, October 31, 2004

So yeah, I'm going through a bit of a dilema, or so it would seem. You culd come up to me right now, with anything, and I would do it, I'll be honest with you, it's sick.

I just remembered that one of my rants never got to where it was going, rather it didn't hit one of the waypoints, they never reach its final destination...

Blue35Tuesday: it's's what i will want
MrMexico01: lol, now is winter the depression phase or the crazy bwah phase?
Blue35Tuesday: depression, sevre
MrMexico01: wouldn't it just be better to weather it for one year in the house though?Blue35Tuesday: i don't like to get to attached to things, anymore
MrMexico01: I mean, how is moving out really gonna make things better
Blue35Tuesday: coughtruckdrivercough
MrMexico01: sometimes its good to get attached to things
MrMexico01: lmao

*****this was only a draft and never published for the public...nobody knows why....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

When it comes to attachments...
It's as you, Jangus 2004, said "“The deeper the cut, the more likely it is to cause a scar”

That's why I want to end things as soon as I can, if not, I can get really clingy or get use to some friends, presence, jokes, you know...the little stuff about people you care that you like *brb crying its shark week*

"i don't like to get to attached to things, anymore" ditto, my friend