Monday, October 25, 2004

Imitation is the Best Form of Flattery...
..following in my unsound and unheard footsteps

So today was an unexpectant day, but I suppose you should expect that in the life of Jason Angus. So I get out of work and I have literally 14 missed calls..amazing how it is....but it's mostly from one (alright it was two or so, but yeah) Anyways, I call the person back..who shall remain nameless..let's just say a certain DVD was played, if you know what I mean..yeah, played.....

oh what the hell, it was DaVid Dewes. We had a good time, it was...different. we danced, we lunged, we ate at denny's, we talked. Man, when life starts throwing lemons with a curve down a bottomless pit go to the one man you know who has been through all that, ME! (yeah, life owes me a lot, get off my back)
I hate to say this, but I have definitely changed my outlook on life and how to live it. You know what I want....nothing, that's it, nothing..I don't need to be rich, or famous, or have a great job, a family, or doesn't concern me, especially right now. I'm living life, and plan on living life like this because I lived life once before; and let me tell you it's something at the most raw form. you know what I would like to see myself doing this summer...driving a big rig..why not? seeing the country, traveling, owning up to nobody but yourself, alone time...some time off from everything.

I do not plan on going back to school, it's pointless. a college degree is just a piece of paper saying, great, you studied the subjects on a course you guided you on and you kinda know what you are talking about, how 'bout those parties. and jobs that require you to have a college degree can piss off, obviously they don't know what real people and geniuses are. they don't want to give the social delinquent, yet elite, a don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every joe schmo that doesn't go to college a brilliant man (maybe a little bit more brilliant than the average joe that does go to school and blow 100,000)

and just why did our group of friends, the best of the best, all seem to end up this way, or on brinks? was it something in the water that won't allow ourselves to be content with what we have before us..and by before us I mean, going to college, doing what everyone else is doing...I mean, I'd hate to say this, but yeah, we were/are better than most, so we want something better than the norm, right?

why do we all have this itchy finger...this crave to do something with I know this feeling, I had it before, still comes to me every now and then, but it ties into how I live, let me explain..alright, I'm living my life like I want it to...just doing..not having to own up to anything, in respect. I don't have cares, worries are a waste of the imagination, I'm not planing ahead, I'm just doing.....I get the itch to do things, I do them. I want to travel, I will...I want to live alone off the land, I will...I want to publish a book, make a movie, start a business....I will....that's the itch I am talking about...and I think things are starting to go in the favor...

so I may have jumped the gun a bit, pushed for something I really shouldn't have intervened in, but yeah....people are coming together, let's just say that. so yeah, a friend comes to me with a problem, I immediately drop everything and see how we can get this kid on the right track...(where was I for my life???) I threw out so many ideas and possibilities, I basically sold him a car with "rust proofing"...only to maybe slightly better myself? no no, it's to help him really, but he'll be following in my ways, maybe not the best for most people.

so yeah, long, multi-tangented, but it's good....I leave you with this line, to quote my life....

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"I hate to say this, but I have definitely changed my outlook on life and how to live it." uh-oh point breaker...
"seeing the country, traveling, owning up to nobody but yourself, alone time...some time off from everything. " that's delicious alone time, I like that, also like disappear sometimes... when you need a break.

"I do not plan on going back to school, it's pointless. a college degree is just a piece of paper saying" omg, that's what I said when I graduated to my friends