Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Can't Do It....

So here's a random thought....I want to get married..WHAT?! yeah, weird isn't it....well, all this talk about people getting married, bridal registry, work,'s all rubbing it in my face....everyone's getting married, why can't I? Now this is a totally irrational idea, I mean my friends aren't even getting married, yet, but why not just beat them to the punch....whatever...I'm thinking mail-order-bride style....she's got to like you...and if you like in the right places, you can get paid to do this, BRILLIANT!

I hate woman almost as much as I hate being lied to...wait......I hate woman almost as much as I hate being used..wait.....I hate woman almost as much as I hate being fucked with..wait........I hate woman almost as much as I hate being treated like shit, like an idiot, like nothing...wait wait wait......all those latter reasons all tie into why I hate woman, so reasons for.....if A then -> B and A, three triangular dots B...

anyways, my last post was a little on the lengthy side, but on toppers...I've learned that I can use caps effectively.......fucking people and their god dammed emails...whatever...I'm in the "me VS the world" mood right now and can take on anyone, don't cross my path...although I did get excited to see my pictures and all

"sit on you're temper, it'll get you nowhere"
"Burn in hell, it'll get me to pissy lane"

what does that even mean???

I'm a loose cannon

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

find your chamber