Friday, January 05, 2007

New Year..
N0 shit...

whatever, it has to pick up...

so i didn't do my traditional "wind-up" or "wrap-up" of the year in blog/link form, so what..i really didn't update as much as i would have liked, plus with me being in CP for 6 months, it kinda puts a halt on things like that...

so here is my first post of the new year...and my original post i had dreamt in my head was going to be nothing but praise for '06, but due to the events that occurred just towards the end, i don't know where it will stand, and it definitely put a bad taste in my mouth for '07.

ughh, what happened is tedious, just a lot of shit falling through, stuff typically made up for a bad week, but it just so happened to be tacked onto the end of a year, which is a time for joy and celebration - and i can go against the standard grief, anger, hostility at this time of the year, i can see through all that, but damn, when all the shit piles up, it's kinda hard not to let it ruin your image of the passing year...

which leads me into the ol Zach question of "which list would he be on" question...say someone, some dedicated person to society, to school, family, friends, organizations, all that, just an outstanding person commits a crime, say murder, or suicide...what list do they belong on? Does an entire lifetime of good suddenly not chalk up to the final remaining moments? we tend to remember both times, the good and the bad, but the last is always, well, a lasting impression.

now if it were the other way around, say someone lead an average alright life, then commited some murder early on, but went through the rest of their life asking for forgiveness, turning everything around, and ends on a good note...wouldn't that entitle them heaven?

is it better to burn out or fade away i guess is the ultimate question...

to quote my ashlee, the past is in the past...but we're here in the present based on the situations in the past, and we can't hide from our pasts, the past decisions we've made only allow for better decisions for the future...

so the new year got off on a rough foot, in like a lion out like a lamb? and what's the deal with all these fucking sayings? i guess all i can do is turn it around...i'll be in Hawaii in no time..that is unless there's a plane crash...then i'd go and say this year is cursed, til then.

"Rob, top five musical crimes perpetuated by Stevie Wonder in the '80s and '90s. Go. Sub-question: is it in fact unfair to criticize a formerly great artist for his latter day sins, is it better to burn out or fade away? "

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