Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 3

Just Another Random Day...
Better not blow your load too early...

Oh yet again another random day in the life of jason angus, yet nothing feels accomplished...

So here I sit, at the end of my day, in Eric's room watching Alfie along with Jenny, Amiee just left the room. I am left in this state of wonderment, this unaccomplished nothing feeling, and I’m not sure what choices I am supposed to be making...

At times I get cynical and shut myself off from the world, I revert back to the way I used to be. And it’s during these times of antisocialness

I really need to stop napping mid-day..i took another nap this afternoon after lunch only to kill time, I had an hour left and our group went our separate ways for that I got back to my room, set my alarm just in case I were to fall asleep, and then laid's not like I can do too much: the TV is on but we only have like 5 channels, I have no internet, I'm too tired and school worn out to read any books, and it's a little too early to stop I end up passing out...well, for the second day in a row now my dreams have been uber-tramatizing...these dreams are so intense and are filled with so much real emotion, after I wake I don't feel like I slept, rather just went through some horrible experience I wish not to talk about it...but just contradictory, I am able to go about my day rather quickly, almost forgetting everything that happened, maybe not forgot because I think about it all day long, but the weight of the situations doesn't seem to get to me, and I'm not buried in my day by it.

The day pretty much consisted of more classroom work, we got a longer break, it was a little more entertaining (for me at least), we watched videos, did some activites, whatever it was entertaining...I did as mentioned, take a cap on lunch, but did have lunch...and you know, I've been eating like crazy, I'm taking advantage of all four meals they are providing...looks like I'll be gaining some weight in no time if I don't start..moving around...?

Hung out with my group again at every possible second, we are like glue or 830 we all got together after enjoy a snack sandwich, and watched Employee of the Month..they were offering the viewing in the auditorium...

Afterwards we got a spot over by the ping-pong table and just shat the was good and all. I enjoy our group but I'll be damned honest, for some reason my sense of humor styling has gotten a little off..i'm very angry and vengeful, offering to punch people in the face or telling them to shut the fuck up every three seconds..i got to really turn it down..

I really got to this one was right after the movie we piled on out of the theater and were standing outside of it..a friend of jenny's comes up to her and they start talking...he then tries to intermingle with the group, asking what class we were in..he made a comment and was a little surprised that we were all in the same class because he had yet to see us..wherein I retorted quite snidely that we were just too cool for him and made our elite presence broke him down and everyone around was in shock...I tried to fix I by re-inventing what I meant by it, but whatever I just went up to my room to return my pillow and blanket.

After chilling watching those play twister we headed up to eric's room which is where we are now...funny, by the time I finish up this post the movie credits will be going..amazing.

"absinthe makes the heart grow fonder..."

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