Saturday, January 28, 2006

Stupid Saturday...
Stupid People...

all of it's stupid and I don't want any part of it.

Woke up this morning..expecting to get up a lot earlier than the time I had to go to work, but what can you do..I stayed in bed just long enough to push it til I was late for work..I was in Amarone this morning, which is different, usually I'm in bianco on Saturday morning, but was a very slow morning, we were barely on a wait for most of the tables were good and ladies I got drunk tipped me well, but the turnover table I got, that I also got drunk just about stiffed me...well the lady leaving a credit card did, and the other fucks left five on fifty...for a total of five on seventy...yeah, fuck you...I knew it was going to be a problem when the guy handed me sixty dollars for his fifty dollar bill and when I said thank you - because he was in a hurry and wanted to leave - he repeated that he gave me sixty, and then I made the realization he wanted his change, and maybe stiff me too...fuckers!

but somehow I managed to make it out of there, out the door at 4:04..yeah, imagine that, even as a closer..I had a full section and I was prolonged their departure for about twenty minutes, knowing that my replacement was to show up at 4..luckily everything worked out as planned and I was home in little time, taking home little money...I thought about staying, but..I kinda didn't feel right...

so I came home, to the big empty apartment, and I started to clean things up, organize some things, fixing it up because I feel like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time here...that and if I bring a lady friend over I want it looking nice and clean for her as well...

after cleanup it was time for some DDR..and then a shower...and then some then it was 9 - mindy had called me a couple of times but for whatever reason my phone was still on silent. so I called her back, we kept on calling each other for that hour checking in..she wanting me to come out with her, Stewie, and Alaina to the movies, but I did not want any part of it..finally at 10 she gave up completely on me, was angered and told me to "have fun" and hung I had to text her back saying she has no right to be upset at me for not wanting to go out, especially when I don't care about anything right now..a friend would understand, not only did I take a stand on the situation, but I threw the "friend" thing right back at took her a little bit to text me back, probably because I did encourage it with another text, but all she said was "I'll call you later"

She did call me back..and I felt bad (naturally) and felt we "needed to talk" or something along those I couldn't avoid her anymore and I went over, it took a bit of a push, but it happened. Stewie was asleep when I got there, Mindy and I talked but never got around to watching the movie, but somehow I ended up staying..

This lonely house will only result in the rebirth of the anti-social me

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

“ left five on fifty...for a total of five on seventy...yeah, fuck you...” what’s the percentage of tip, 30% ... I guess I would have to use the calculator to get those digits

“ big empty apartment, and I started to clean things up, organize some things, fixing it up because I feel like I'm gonna be spending a lot of time here...that and if I bring a lady friend over I want it looking nice and clean for her as well...” aaw, that the place in Bloomington?

“ I felt bad (naturally) and felt we "needed to talk" or something along those lines” is Jason 06, Marisol 20/20? What? hehe
But unlike you I don’t have any real suitors

But yeah, friends are supposed to be happy for other friend’s happiness