Monday, January 02, 2006

January Second....
the first real day of the year...

though it's kinda funny that a lot of places still weren't open even it makes me wonder....

the day start off as any mundane Monday morning would, I went off to work, for just the morning be honest though we were busier than any Monday I can remember...we were still on a wait at 4 when the shift change happened, with only the splits being all in all it was a very busy morning..well, for some, I rocked a three table section, bored to tears and still brought home $140...with my last table telling me that I gave them the best service they have ever received...really?

just for the record that table was my last one to be sat, a fourth, but only momentarily for I had a check down and that table paid and got out instantly. and all while I was "serving" them I was actually in the break room talking to Kathleen as she rolled...whatevs....

after work I made my way home...tried to stay awake, but to no avail...took a nap and then got up, pondering whether it was too late to do margaritas for I really didn't want to rush my awoken I watched arrested development..and as I starting to entertain the thought of eating the rest of my subway sandwich and p[laying DDR, I got a call from Fabian informing me that he and several others were on their way to Tumbleweed...

so I got up, dressed, and went..I had a very good time, a lot of people showed only problem was that we sat at the bar..which with that amount of people isn't the best arrangement. so as the crowd thinned out, well after closing time, we came up with the idea to go to Yogi's and get some more drinks - why not..

there I received the worse tasting white Russian I've ever I didn't even finish that..but we sat, we talked, yadda yadda yadda Drapper showed up..then we moved it over to my place to play some DDR...which I was all about.

Neil popped in after hearing what was going down...and after some crazed footing with some heavy songs he was out of breath and on his way home. With an ordering of a pizza, The Rolling Stone, from Rockits, the final four to stay watched I Heart Huckabees...but the ladies passed out long before then men, and with Charlene in my arms snoring loudly I said to Matt, this is already the start of a great year.....

and as the movie ended so did the night, Matt didn't stay though, saying something about his hatered towards a bed, Char was knocked out and not getting off the futon, and I..I laid awake in my bed for a bit longer...

"Let's have none of that in '06"

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

It’s true, it’s the first real year. You don’t know how much I’ve hated 1rsts of Jan, because in my past those days have always been blehj even worst than Monday’s.

Charlene sounds like Chardonnay lol