Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Shady Katy...
Terrible Tuesday...

Wow, couldn't any more crap hit me this month???

Well this morning was interesting, ok..as interesting as this could be..I woke up moments before my alarms went off, which were set for 9am, yeah I did that on purpose as well...anyways I turned those off and fell back asleep only to get up with enough time for a quick shower, shave, and off to work I went....I served in the morning, only made 40 but my last table, which was sat at 1:30ish stayed forever..I clocked out, had lunch, left and came back form my 4:00 hosting shift and they were still there...I checked on them this entire time too, I wasn't neglecting them - they were just catching up...

so I hosted, as I stated previously, which was interesting..I haven't hosted in quite some time and only picked it up on a whims, Katy and Mindy both were scheduled to work tonight so I figured what the hey...well so the story goes, the best part was the part where we had a new hire, he's hosting this week, and next week will undergo server training..so out of all the hosts they had who do they give the new guy to to follow and learn from...that's right me...what a slap in the face to all the other hosts working that night...

ohh, it was awesome, for a better part of an hour we walked around, I pointed out little things here and there trying my best to train him as a host they will only use for a week...I talked a lot about serving though. Katy was getting mad at the fact I wasn't seating my section, among other things, such hostility from this little girl...anyways, the night went on but it couldn't go out without a craptacular bang.

Let's just say people are shady..we'll get to it in a sec....so after I finished up being a host, my shadow went home, I washed Mindy's bar dishes and then had a long heart to heart with Chase at the makeout booth, 434

the night did have a nice Bang of sorts..well I went and said something to mindy, Doug the manager came over and started talking to Chase..well I saw him bending over and starting to charge, with full momentum going for me I smacked him right on the ass in one of the loudest smacks possible..Doug about had a heart attack, literally grabbing for his nitroglycerine around his neck...he went limping away like tom..

so I went with mindy back to her place, we talked about my conversation with Chase and she started to fall asleep...and for whatever reason I had a good feeling about tonight, the way things were working out between us, and even still I feel as if something could have happened, but I tried making a little bit of moves on Mindy..it obviously went dead at that point..I wanted to stay the night, she wanted me to stay the night, both with differing motives and desires behind them..we kinda talked about it...she told me not to take it the wrong way and just sleep next to her..I told her I could say and tell myself all I wanted, it's not gonna change the way I truly feel...so I left once, without saying goodbye (I thought she was asleep), received a phone call as I got to my car..went back in, talked some more, and on the note of, "nope, means nothing to me" I left

met up with chase and chantel at the Vid..we talked..it was something to get my mind off of things, only to get them right back on it...they give me a lot of credit for doing what I do...but honestly, does it matter? does it really make a difference to anyone, including myself if I don't sleep next to mindy..all I am doing is setting up myself for lonely nights, lonely cold night...and sure I may want to wake up next to someone knowing that they are the special one for me..what's wrong with a live in partner..it's not like we are friends with benefits or anything...whatever...nobody cares, nobody should....

**this is all speculation** and as for shady dealings..Kathleen..oh that little she-devil - well, she has the nerve to lead me on..saying she'll call me, we'll hang out, we'll talk about the situation at hand...she even went as far as asking me when the last time I kissed Mindy, among other random questions....and then, tonight, this guy walks up to the bar, orders a drink from mindy and introduces himself as Kathleen's boyfriend..and once his party arrives, they get a table and she gets off and sits with him...so here I am, with only 48 hours ago there was no "there's someone else" or "I'm kinda interested in someone else" speeches being made..but I get this..actually I didn't even get it, I got it from mindy....so was this a big setup, is he one of those guy's who is quick to judge..maybe it was her ex...maybe girls are just shady fucking people and I have lost all hope in mankind by January 10th..

What's funny is this post made months prior seems all to much like a preminition...or just the sad truth

"I didn't think she was that shady - well look with what we are dealing with...she does have a vagina..."

1 comment:

MarisolLef said...

"I woke up moments before my alarms went off" I think that's kind of cool, it also happens to me. I mean, your body is getting used to a routine... I find it interesting

"I smacked him right on the ass in one of the loudest smacks possible." lol what? you smack his ass out of the blue lol

"so I left once, without saying goodbye (I thought she was asleep), received a phone call as I got to my car..went back in" oh youngsters and the drama hehe

and sure I may want to wake up next to someone knowing that they are the special one for me.. ♡y♡a♡y♡ lol that was lame of me

"maybe girls are just shady fucking people and I have lost all hope in mankind" mmm idk if I'm shady, don't know the exact definition, I mean I've heard "uuuh you shady" my gaybies say that a lot... but I definitely have NOT lost hope in mankind